. . .have I got a deal for you!
Did you know you can have blog posts from The Next Step delivered straight to your e-mail inbox? No logging into Facebook, no sifting through hundreds of status updates to see if you can learn anything shocking about moi. A simple little e-mail can be delivered to you each morning after any new content is posted. It's simple. Just go to the actual blog site, www.tamiboesiger.blogspot.com, and find the subscription box in the right sidebar. It's pretty hard to miss. It says, "Get new posts delivered straight to your inbox." Enter your e-mail address and wait for an e-mail which asks you to verify the subscription (this step is important--if you don't verify, you won't get the e-mails), and voila, you are set up to receive e-mails from The Next Step.
Of course you can still read the posts via Facebook and participate in the comment section there if you choose, but the e-mails allow you to access the blog also and see what others on commenting directly on it.
If you are super techy and want to read The Next Step through a newsreader, click on the link directly below the e-mail subscription which reads, "Subscribe in a reader" and you can get set up that way too.
So many options, huh? I do what I can.
However you do it, thanks for reading, my friend. I love hearing from you. Your comments make this WAY more fun.

1 comment:
Okay! I am set!
Go! Blog on sista! I have mastered the "subscribe" button!
I'm so excited!!
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