1) I'm becoming addicted to flossing. As I get older, my teeth seem to be getting stickier and gunk just sits there between my teeth, especially my bottom row, taunting me, giving me one more thing to groan about when I look in the mirror. For years I was lucky to floss at all. Now I'm doing it a few times throughout my day. Is it possible to floss too much?
2) Even though they now sport a two-inch split in the inner seam, I wore my skinny shorts all day the other day because HELLO! they make me feel skinny and a girl's gotta do whatever she can to make that happen. Plus, I wasn't going out in public which, wait, sort of defeats the purpose of looking skinny any way, doesn't it? Oh well, it made me feel better (although a little breezy with the extra "venting") in the comfort of my own home. Oh, and get this, not one single person in my family noticed (both the gaping hole and how skinny I looked!).
3) I really like taking my kids out in pairs. It's fun to mix 'em up and experience the different interactions that take place with different combinations. This summer I've taken the two younger ones, the two older ones, the two middle ones and just the girls. I didn't get time with just the boys or the oldest with the youngest (that one will be a trick), but there's always another day, right?
As I read over my last paragraph it sounds like I have about twenty kids. Don't worry--there's only four! I can still walk and chew at the same time.
4) To all you exercising ladies out there: Doesn't the bead of sweat that trickles between your girls drive you nuts?! There is no discreet way to mop it up. I'll be pedaling away and the drip will start running, but some guy is on the treadmill just to my right. What am I supposed to do? Suck it up and let it go, feeling like I've got bugs traveling down my chest? Ick.
5) We moved our oldest into his dorm room last night. Sadly, having done it before didn't make it any easier.
6) My son, Ladies Man was speaking of "the talk" in front of his little sister, Miss Innocent One (Is God putting the screws to me or what?).
Miss Innocent One: What do you mean, the talk?
Ladies Man: You don't know about it yet, but you will.
Me: Very soon.
Ladies Man: (sniffing and hiking up his pants) Yeah, this is the year for the talk.
Me: Basically the talk is learning about body changes and how bodies work.
Miss Innocent One: Ew. I don't think I want to know. Yuck.
Ladies Man: (Imagine chest puffed out, lowered voice, and swagger) It's not that big of a deal, really. It's just part of life.
He's so mature, all thirteen years of him. Oh brother.
It just goes to show you everybody loves knowing something someone else doesn't, because it gives us some kind of imaginary leverage. (And yeah, yeah, I haven't forgotten I need to get on that "talk".)
7) My husband and I had a WONDERFUL time on our little anniversary getaway. It was only overnight and a short distance from our home, but still splendiferous. I never get tired of that guy. We talk easily, deeply and at length. He listens to me. He laughs at me and with me. He puts me at ease. How could I ever ask God for more?
I hope you enjoy your loved ones this weekend. Have some fun and see what other Quick Takers are saying at Conversion Diary.

A trickle of sweat?!?! There's nothing dainty or gorgeous about working out. Hence the word working. Be proud of your sweat woman! Think of those skinny jeans. Think NEW skinny jeans.
By the time I'm done working out, I'm drenched in sweat. Sometimes my hair is wet to the ends. Now if I could just control my eating better................
You get a towel and wipe your face and with your arm pushed up against the actual offending sweat smoosh it into your shirt while diverting attention with the face wipe. (you do have to catch it before it is too...late)
RE: #4--I have a treadmill at home, with a book rest platform. I have a fan mounted on the treadmill, aimed right in the right places. I read and walk at the same time. It's the best of all worlds.
I move my son into his dorm room next friday I know this will be hard even if we dont think so right now
Oh Tami... ROFL! This is the funniest most hilarious piece you've ever written. Glad I waited til midnight on Friday night to read it. (e-Dad's in his 'man-cave' unwinding after an extraordinary week.)
Slendiferous? Wunderbar! I can tell that your guy is head over heels in love with you. Get used to it.
This, though, was oversharing: I'm becoming addicted to flossing. As I get older, my teeth seem to be getting stickier and gunk just sits there between my teeth, especially my bottom row, taunting me, giving me one more thing to groan about when I look in the mirror. For years I was lucky to floss at all. Now I'm doing it a few times throughout my day. Is it possible to floss too much?
Get what I mean?
Kidding. Love you!
Wow!! That was A LOT of information! I can't believe you some how got all those topics into 1 post. Let's go shopping, you need some new shorts!
Pairs of kids is fun. So is the one-on-one. With 7 kids, there was a chance of any one child getting lost in the crowd, so every month each child got a one-on-one experience (trip to the restaurant, an evening at the museum) with one of the parents; my husband and I took turns. The kids loved it. When one Christmas we had no money for Christmas gifts, we gave a dozen coupons for specific activities with us to each of the kids -- and they were just as happy as if they had gotten a ten-speed bike.
Thanks for popping over! I would also have to confess to being a bit of a flossing addict. There is just something about clean teeth. :)
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