When the trials of life unravel the fabric of our plans,
when we face the deep confusion of painful circumstance,
when our feeble strength is broken, and we stand with empty hands,
that’s when the Father whispers "Trust the pattern I have planned."
Lyrics from song, The Weaver
I can't say I've experienced crushing tragedy.
I've never lost a child.
My health has not been at risk.
I've not been rejected by my spouse.
Bankruptcy has not tarnished me.
My childhood was not traumatic.
But I've had pain.
My parents divorced.
I watched my father die a miserable death.
Close relationships dissolved.
Providing for a family of six on one income brought great anxiety.
My sons were diagnosed with a scary childhood illness.
I grew up fearing I didn't measure up to society's standards.
In my pain I cried out to God.
Why? Why didn't you answer my prayer how I asked? What purpose could this have? Where is Your rescue? Why don't You come?
His consistent, soft answer was unmistakable.
Trust Me.
Can I be completely honest?
His words weren't terribly satisfying or at all comforting. How is a person to trust the dark hole in front of them? How can you to see His light in the fog of hurt?
But He'd say it again.
Trust Me.
All I could do was work on it. When I couldn't feel Him, I meditated on the Truth of His Word, over and over and over, willing my spirit to believe it, or rather, allowing His Spirit to transform my human thinking. And though tears were still shed, His peace nudged me forward a day at a time, until I discovered His track record in my very own little life.
He beckoned me in my trials, teaching me to believe, to trust Him, even when I didn't feel like it.
He did the rest, growing my faith, making me stronger, more usable, better suited for His purposes.
How can I not be grateful?
And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him.
Hebrews 11:6
May your suffering lead you to earnestly seek Him as well, my friends. For then, your pain is never wasted.
Visit Loni at Writing Canvas, to see what others think about this quote.

Pain is never wasted when it draws us to trust him more. What a reassuring thought. Thanks for sharing today.
Very inspiring sweetie.
You say it so beautifully Tami. It is all about trust. Do we run to Him when life is scary or trust ourselves? He is trustworthy.
Your message hits home for me.
Thank you and sending you blessings and hugs,
I have a friend you always says, "Fake it till you Make it!" She usually says that in reference to a good mood. Act like you are in good mood until that good mood takes over the grumpies. I think that be true about faith. There have been times when I felt like I had no faith in a situation. I would pray, "Lord, I have no faith. So, I am going to act like I do until it comes." God blesses that mustard seed and my faith grows.
WONDERFUL POST today!! Thank you so much for your wisdom.
"When I couldn't feel Him I just meditated on his truth." That brought tears to my eyes this morning. Been there and done that. What a great post today Tami, thanks.
These words were such a blessing to me this morning. Thank you!
Thank you so much for sharing your heart today. TRUST is a BIG word . . and takes a lot of faith.
I so appreciate you and your words today!
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