As I walked in the door, I noticed my answering machine blinking. I pushed the button, expecting the standard "Call me back" kind of message. Instead I heard my dad's voice.
"The doctor called and said there were cancer cells in the fluid they drained off my lungs. I've got an appointment with the oncologist. Do you want to go along so we make sure we hear everything right?"
My breath stuck in my throat. What would we be facing?
“Faith saith not ‘It is good for me, so God must have sent it’,
but ‘God sent it, so it must be good for me.’”
Phillips Brooks
As tears filled my eyes, I exhaled.
Okay, God, I thought, one day at a time. Get us through.
The journey was difficult and ended in the worst way possible in my father's death, but I have to believe it was for my good. Those short months gave me much time with my dad, cultivating discussions we'd never had before, helping us come to an understanding we'd never had of each other. It forced us to say things we were to chicken to say before.
And Dad. . .he got to go to a better place--definitely for his good!
We don't have to like it. We don't have to understand. We only have to trust. If God is not good, how do we survive life on earth?
Join Kathryn at Expectant Hearts to see more ideas on this quote.

wow what a story. I felt that way about my mom's stroke, that it turned out for the good in all its own special way.
I felt the same way about my dad's death, but if my mom would have had to continute to take care of him, then she most likely would have lost her own battle with stage 4 cancer that was going on. I am just thankful that my dad is in heaven with no more sorrow or pain and that my mom is still here, healthy and a wonderful grandmother, who defied 4% survival odds for the kind of cancer she had. God is good ALL the time indeed, even when we can't see it.
Thank you for sharing your story Tammy. I think loss is like that. I finally got my post up. Hope you can head over and check it out!
Thank you for sharing this part of your life with us today.
What I love about this week's quote is that it says, "Faith saith..."
It doesn't say "Faith fully comprehends," but rather, "Faith says."
Faith declares that God is good even when complete understanding of a situation isn't there yet. That is, by definition, faith!
I'm sorry to hear about the loss of your dad. My prayers are with you, this week and always.
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