Nobody's perfect. Nobody's life is perfect.
Why is it women can so easily SAY nobody's perfect, but have such a hard time applying it in real life? Why do we too easily forget to look past one's persona to see the real person with real problems? Satan is sure good at warping our thinking, isn't he?
I've been chewing on this post a week now after someone told me they found me "unapproachable" (a word I've heard before from others) until she started reading this blog. My teen-aged daughter sat in the next room chuckling and shook her head. She knows better. I have the same junk everyone does.
But if reading the blog clues people into the real me, proving I'm definitely NOT all that, making them feel comfortable enough to share their own concerns with me, I'm thinking it's important for Christians to admit to our weaknesses. We must do so for the sake of those around us, being vulnerable enough to show others they're not alone in their issues. If we are to build one another up in Christ, it's essential to destroy the myths others may have about us and let them see the real us, flaws and all. Only then can we relate to one another and truly strengthen each other's hearts.
Haven't you felt better hearing someone you respect admit to the same problems you have? Aren't you encouraged that you too can overcome it? Sharing our struggles ministers to others and develops relationships.
Are people getting the wrong impression of you? Admit to your flaws, vocalize your difficulties and crush the untruth. It's a good way to love others and you may find help for your journey.

Good thoughts....good words.
I don't think you're unapproachable. I think you are the best listener and advice giver I know. Love ya, Michelle
We all have our own burdens and struggles that is for sure. Thanks for being so real.
Right on lady-bird - so very true - however, I find you totally approachable :D
wonderful food for thought post!
We must do so for the sake of those around us, being vulnerable enough to show others they're not alone in their issues. If we are to build one another up in Christ, it's essential to destroy the myths others may have about us and let them see the real us, flaws and all. Only then can we relate to one another and truly strengthen each other's hearts.
amen girl...Powerful statement here and one that has rang true over and over in my own life...
congrats on being nominated top 100
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