Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Prayer for Knowledge and Joy

Grant me, even me, my dearest Lord, to know Thee, and love Thee, and rejoice in Thee. And, if I cannot do these perfectly in this life, let me at least advance to higher degrees every day, till I can come to do them in perfection. Let the knowledge of Thee increase in me here, that it may be full hereafter. Let the love of Thee grow every day more and more here, that it may be perfect hereafter; that my joy may be great in itself, and full in Thee. I know, O God, that Thou art a God of truth; Oh, make good thy gracious promises to me, that my joy may be full. Amen.

Augustine of Hippo
taken from the Mosaic Bible, p. 196


Julie said...

Beautiful prayer of sanctification from Augustine of Hippo. And it fits with our last lesson so nicely...

Thanks for posting!

Jaime Kubik said...

Good one, sis!