1) They've been running an incentive program at our local YMCA for the past few months called "100 Days of Summer." You're given a punch card and receive one punch each time you enter the doors and an extra punch if you attend a class. Once you fill your first card, you're given a key chain and a second card. The reward for filling a second card is a YMCA water bottle. The first twenty-five people to fill the third and final card receive a free t-shirt. I've been faithfully visiting the wellness center and attend a class on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so I was making good progress, but missed a few weeks being out of town. I thought I had no chance for a t-shirt, but kept having them punch my card to give myself the satisfaction of completing.
On Tuesday I filled my last card and when I handed it to the lady at the front desk she said, "Oh, sorry, you're number 26." Number 26?! NUMBER 26!! I was so psyched I actually laughed about just missing the t-shirt cut-off.
There must me something wrong with me. How many people are excited about finishing 26th? I guess no one's going to accuse me of being type-A, huh?
2) Drama Queen and Ladies Man have been gone all week on a church youth group missions trip. It's been so quiet around the house!
They joined around 60 kids traveling to Cary, Mississippi to facilitate four Vacation Bible Schools.
I've heard it's HOT where they are. I know they'll have a fabulous time any way. I'll be glad to have them back. It's just not the same without them here.
3) Drama Queen called a few days after arriving in Mississippi. She gave some greetings then asked to speak to Drummer Boy. She wanted to know what happened on the last day of drum line camp she missed when she left on missions trip. He'd sent her an e-mail about it and didn't want to ruin the surprise, plus he loves tormenting her.
Drama Queen: What did you do the last day of camp?
Drummer Boy: I'm not telling you.
Drama Queen: What do you mean you're not telling me? What happened?
Drummer Boy: You'll find out soon. I can't tell you how.
Drama Queen: Why can't you tell me?
Drummer Boy: I just can't. You'll have to wait.
Drama Queen: Why? C'mon. Just tell me.
Drummer Boy: I can't. TRUST ME!
Drama Queen: I'll talk to you tomorrow when you stop PMS-ing. Let me talk to Dad.
Kevin: Hello?
Drama Queen: Why didn't you raise your son better?
Kevin: That's all I get? No "how are you?", no "I love you?"
Drama Queen: I love you. Do you know what he's talking about?
He could honestly say no and further torture the poor girl. She just can't stand it when someone knows something she doesn't. And seriously, when is she going to learn she perpetuates these things by her reactions which make it so fun to tease her?
4) Being worried that Miss Innocent One would be a little lost with Drama Queen and Ladies Man gone this week, I've worked hard to keep her busy. In the last week she had her cousin spend the night, had two different friends over to play, attended a slumber party, went swimming five times, had an eye appointment, got her hair cut and spent the night at her grandparent's house.
Who knew an 11-year-old's calendar could be so full? And yet she still said to me, "I'll be glad when Drama Queen and Ladies Man are home. I miss them." Yep. Me too, babe.
5) It's been two weeks now since Kevin and Drummer Boy embarked on the Summer Hair Experiment 2010. Both have decided to grow their respective manes back and I thought you might like to see their progress.
Believe it or not, Drummer Boy's look is starting to grow on me. He looks more adultish (humor me and call it word, 'kay?). I've always thought he was cute, but now he's bordering on handsome. (Funny, for our entire married life I've thought it a little creepy when my mother-in-law expresses her admiration for Kevin's looks. Now I'm falling into the same trap!! YIKES!)
I had a MUCH HARDER TIME getting used to Kevin's look sans moustache. He just wasn't himself and I'd find myself staring at him, longing for my husband back. It only took him two days to decide grow it back. Do you think it had anything to do with the fact that his wife had a tough time kissing a stranger? Am I shallow or what?!
6) A sign Miss Innocent One is due for a name change:
Drummer Boy tells us he's going to spend the night in Lincoln and suddenly I make an exciting revelation.
Me: Hey, that means we have no kids home tonight.
A low mumble comes from my youngest.
Miss Innocent One: Bow chicka wow wow.
Me (to her father): Did you hear what she said?
Kevin: I'm thinking Playa Azul tonight
Me (the woman easily distracted with food): I was thinking the same thing!
Miss Innocent One: Yep. Playa Azul, come home, go to bed, bow chicka wow wow.
Me: Did you hear what she said?
Miss Innocent One: What? You probably will.
Wasn't it just last summer I was stressing about having "the talk" with this girl? Wow. Either she catches on really quick or we've been a little too open with her. Wait. Maybe I can blame it on her siblings' influence. Yowsa.
7) We had a great night catching up with old friends last night (Yes, Nicki and Mark, I'm calling you old. I think this is one fact we fully established last night.). Nicki used to babysit our kids and was part of our first youth group. Now she's married with two kids and making me feel ancient. They've been bugging us for years to venture up to Omaha to visit. She told me this summer she needed to "see if we were still fun." I'm afraid we didn't register too high on the fun-o-meter since we had no opportunities to do floppies and play "what part of Kevin am I slapping," but we thoroughly enjoyed our time with them discussing jobs, churches, kids, vacation spots and good movies. Thanks guys. It was well worth the drive to Omaha!
And now let the weekend begin. Kick back and have some fun reading other Quick Takes at Conversion Diary. Catch you in August!

I always love reading your quick takes. Congrats on your faithfulness to the gym. Considering I can SEE the gym from my new house, I ought to get myself over there to at least sign up. I'm so exercise in front of others phobic. *sigh*
:) TOO FUN!!
LOL, I know what you mean about the moustache... my DH shaved his off once, and he looked positively weird.
I think Drummer boy looks A LOT like you Tami! ღ
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