A familiar sight in my house this summer, this stack of stuff fills my heart with hope. It belongs to my son, the music composition major/percussion minor student. What you see are the tools of his trade--his laptop, a cord for his iPod, his bag of drumsticks and a practice pad for drumming.
The cherry on top, the book resting on the practice pad is his Bible. We gave it to him when he left for college nearly two years ago and already it's showing its wear. I smile at the ripped corner and love how it sits amid the things he considers necessities.
If you've read this blog for any length of time you know I worry about Drummer Boy when he's not living here. This picture makes me breathe easier. God's got a hold of his heart.

Keep breathing. You're doing a great job as a Mom!
That cup of coffee and a chat sounds like a wonderful idea. How many miles between you and me?
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