1) Miss Innocent One went with me on a major Walmart run. I thought it sweet of her to accompany her mother on the dreaded task, but realized later she had ulterior motives.
Miss Innocent One: Can we see if the comforters are on sale yet?
She's been dying for a new comforter set ever since Drama Queen moved into her new room with all her new stuff. I've been putting her off because she doesn't really NEED a new comforter set, but decided to humor her since she was nice enough to come along. Sadly for her, the coveted comforter was still not on clearance and her mother said no. Again.
Miss Innocent One: But my comforter is a piece of junk. It's got strings all over it.
I kept on walking.
Miss Innocent One: You said I could get another one if it went on sale.
Me: And it's not.
Miss Innocent One: But you're spoiling my dreams.
For that she got a good eye roll, yet her requests kept coming.
Can I get some sugary cereal? No.
Can I get a cell phone? No.
Can we get birthday cake ice cream? (EW!) No.
Can I get some gum? I'll make it last a month. NO!
Miss Innocent One: See? You're constantly spoiling my dreams. Thanks a lot Mom.
And now her standard phrase for anything is "You're spoiling my dreams." Does anyone else think she may need a name change?
2) We went to a great concert Wednesday night. Drummer Boy is a music composition major and every semester the composition students host a recital called Wet Ink! to present their work. Drummer Boy's piece was a woodwind quintet which is pretty impressive considering he's a drummer. We heard two movements from the work and according to his composer dad, it was very well done. Nice job Drummer Boy! We're proud of you.
He cleans up pretty good too, huh?
3) Kevin walked into the high school the other night during musical rehearsal and was greeted warmly by teachers and students alike.
Mr. Boesiger!
Hey Kevin!
Hi Mr. Boesiger. How are you today?
Look. Kevin's here.
How's it going?
But when his very own daughter caught sight of him, all she could say was, "What are YOU doing here?"
Ouch Drama Queen. Ouch.
4) I forgot to show you one of the purchases Ladies Man made on our bra shopping day. He found a sweatshirt he loved. When he tried it on, he found it had headphones built right into the drawstrings for the hood. BONUS for him. And it was on sale for half price. BONUS for me! He thought it the best thing ever until he actually used the built in headphones.
Somehow in his excitement he didn't think about how it would look to see the strings hanging from his ears. Woof, woof!
5) Ladies Man teases a girl from school calling her "Kidney" because her last name starts with a K and has the same amount of letters. Of course he does this to get her riled up and quite possibly in hopes she will touch him even if it is a smack on his arm. He was quite pleased with himself the other day when the girl's mother came to pick her up and rolled down her window to yell, "Are you coming, Kidney?"
How does he charm even the mothers he's never met?
6) Just when I think Drummer Boy is growing up, I see videos on Facebook (I tried to get clips, but they show up as unavailable) of him eating a sandwich, doing floppy hands, crossing one eye at a time in a very creepy way, playing a ditty on the piano. Goofy kid!
7) Miss Innocent One: Mother! Will you cut up a pear for me?
Me: No.
Yep, still spoiling her dreams. Shouldn't a twelve-year-old be able to handle such a task? And if she can't, isn't it time she learned?
Miss Innocent One: Mother! Why not? What if I was going to die unless I ate a pear?
Me: Maybe.
Miss Innocent One: Maybe?!
Me: It would take an awful lot of convincing me you'd DIE if you didn't eat the pear.
Miss Innocent One: MOTHER!
Me: Why are children always yelling at their mothers?
Miss Innocent One: It's what kids do.
Me: It's annoying.
Miss Innocent One: Mothers survive it.
Me: Yeah, only so they can see their grandchildren do it to their children.
Mothers unite! Hang on for the torment of your children too. While you're waiting, catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary. Have a great weekend friends.

1 comment:
Drummer boy--awesome! I am very curious as to how one goes about publishing new "classical" instrumental pieces. I publish stuff through church circles, but I have no idea the procedure for the art world. I'm just sure Drummer Boy can answer that question--or if he can't, he needs to find out. :) :) :) Wanna do my research for me? ;)
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