I snuggle in close. In the quiet of the night, the tasks of the day completed, the warmth of my true love next to me, I ask him.
In this moment, does it matter?
If we concentrate on the good, the beautiful, the eternal, can we silence the anxiety?
I think of my wonderful mother, whose birthday is today (HAPPY BIRTHDAY MOM! I LOVE YOU!), and in my quiet reflection of the consistent blessing she is, in this moment, my empty wallet means nothing.
Watching my family banter back and forth at the dinner table, in wonder of the way God is shaping my kids, in this moment, who cares what my bank account registers?
I sing praise to God on a Sunday morning, flanked by some of my favorite people, the voices of hundreds filling the room in one purpose. The presence of God overwhelms me and a tear slips out, not because I fear my economic future, but because I know in this moment God holds me in the palm of His hand.
The baby reaches for me, his chubby hands brushing my cheek, his wiry hair just begging to be rubbed and in this moment, in God's beauty flowing out of this precious child, the world seems simple and right. All I feel is great gratitude for God's goodness, not concern over providing for the future.
At the end of a long day, exhausted and spent, I fall into an oversized chair with my husband, our limbs tangled comfortably. He laughs at my stupid comments about the t.v. show we're watching and the cares of the day float away. In this moment I don't worry about how to pay for the rising costs of a growing family. I see His faithfulness before me.
Do money stresses wear you down? Do you worry about how you'll pay for upcoming bills? Do dollar signs flash in your weary mind? Don't go there. Live now. Live here, in the middle of your blessings.
In this moment.
Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.
Matthew 6:34

Photo Credit: The Wandering Angel
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