I'm human.
I mess up. More than I'd like to admit. And I'll mess up again. I'll do something stupid or say something stupid or write something stupid . . .
Sigh. Even my best intentions are shrouded in humanness. I can't be perfect. Every time I put myself out there, I'm potentially screwing it up. I'll hurt someone's feelings. I'll say the wrong thing. I'll offend. I'll ruffle feathers. I'll give an inaccurate vibe or impression.
I don't mean to. But it doesn't make it hurt any less when it happens. What is a girl to do?
And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose.
Romans 8:28
To know God's promise to make ALL things work together for good . . . well, it's HUGE. It takes the pressure off and helps me rest, knowing He'll take my worst and use it, even my mistakes, struggles, insensitivity, ignorance, and pride. My blind spots, my naivete, my hot buttons, my problems can end with a Godly result. Whew.
I still need to concentrate on Him and do everything to the best of my ability with sensitivity and discernment, but when I falter, and I will, He'll STILL be able to use it.
What an amazing promise. Thank You, Lord.

Join Laurie at Women Taking a Stand to see more Thankful Thursday posts.

Photo Credit: radiant guy
This vers i cling to frequently also!For at least everyday of the year we can find promises of the lord in His word,what an great ENCORAGER we serve isn´t it...
Have an great and blessed day!
Oh yes! He is so good and makes straight all our crooked paths. Be blessed!
Tami, I think we all can identify with this, for none of us are perfect. We are ALL a work in progress that is for sure! But thankfully God is patient and He sees good in us long before we do. So glad to have you over at THANKFUL THURSDAY today as you share your grateful heart! ((blessings)) -Laurie
Loved this Tami! Who cannot relate? It reminds me of something posted by Courtney from Women Living Well recently when she quoted Ann Voskamp's talk at Relevant on being a disappointment so we can point to the One who never disappoints. You can read it here http://womenlivingwell.org/2011/11/the-biggest-disappointment-of-relevant/?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+WomenLivingWell+%28Women+Living+Well+%29.
Hope the link works! Thanks for sharing this really encouraging piece.
God bless!
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