Tuesday, April 10, 2012

1000 POSTS!

Can you believe it?! Plenty of late nights and early mornings, countless hours spent thinking and listening and typing, trails of scribbled notes, and brainstorms in the shower have resulted in 1000 posts. 1000 days of anxiety and joy, of honesty and struggle, of wonder and confusion. I have swallowed hard 1000 times and clicked "Publish." 1000!

How does one commemorate this? I want to celebrate and make a big deal of it, yet I know God is the one who's made it happen. Perhaps I should just sit and ponder like Mary. I am indebted to God for the lessons He's taught in this endeavor, truths about myself and people and how He works.

What have I learned through writing 1000 posts?

1. God can make good out of anything, even a middle-aged woman's drivel.

2. We all need reminders of simple truths.

3. No one may care about what you say, but that doesn't release you from God's command to say it.

4. Honest words are powerful.

5. There's something helpful about knowing you're not alone.

6. You can't predict how people will react.

7. You can't please everybody.

8. People are reading even if they don't comment. (I can tell by the way people I know in real life react to me.)

9. Opening yourself up can be risky but worth it if it helps someone.

10. People are amazingly similar in their worries and fears, yet hesitant to be the first one to bring it up. How much more connected would we be if we were willing to talk about our dirt with each other?

For the most part, this blogging journey has been a good ride, not without a few bumps, but a good ride nonetheless. As I look to the future, though, I still breathe heavy at the responsibility. My spirit longs for God's touch to make it matter. And I beseech a Holy God the same way I did nearly four years ago in A Blogger's Prayer.

Thank you, my friends, for your kind words, for making this ordinary woman know she's not alone, for sharing your own beautiful words. I am better because of our relationship.

Thank you for 1000 posts.

Photo Credit: kslaven


Cin said...

Woo! If I lived near, we would light candles and eat cake. No party is complete without it, you know?

I am grateful for your words, Friend. More than I comment and perhaps more than you realize. I consider them gifts because God has used you as a fine guiding tool like a compass or a bread trail in my life.

If I were there, I'd hug you and get all weepy eyed feeling these words roll around inside my mouth but not possessing the courage to give them breath.

Many blessings, Much love.

Beth said...

Look forward to reading The Next Step every day............thanks so much for sharing!!

vwwannab said...

Awesome! Way to go! I appreciate your honesty, and it always inspires me to be more open in my own writing. Thank you for all you do. :)