Thursday, October 25, 2012

When I say I love you . . .

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am for you,
with you,
honored by our association.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I'll believe the best,
see your good
and have your back.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I will fight for you
in body,
in spirit,
in prayer.

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am committed
to your best.

When I say I love you it means . . .
you are heard,

When I say I love you it means . . .
I am in,
good or bad,
beautiful or ugly,
easy or hard.

When I say I love you it means . . .
we are forever linked,
for I don't want to think of life without you.

1 comment:

e-Mom said...

"we are forever linked"

Of all the beautiful lines in this poem, this is my favorite.

Nice to catch up with you again, Tami Bee!

Hugs, e-Mom