Saturday, November 18, 2006

What Ifs

My Bible study group had a lesson on the "what ifs" this week. It's got my wheels spinning.

What if I lose a loved one?
What if my kids reject God?
What if I don't fulfill God's plans for me?
What if I become seriously ill?
What if my furnace dies?
What if a tornado levels my home?
What if my husband goes blind or has a stroke?

The "what ifs", our fears of the future. One thing I noticed is that our what ifs are negative. For some reason, we never ask ourselves, "What if God blesses me beyond my comprehension?" or "What if all my children marry believers and raise up a new generation of committed Christians?" or "What if the menial things I do earn me crowns in heaven?" Why do we anticipate bad things? Do the questions we ask say something about our expectations of God? Are we not truly thinking of Him as God if we can only see the bad that may happen?

I'm thinking it's more childlike to expect great things and we cynical adults "know better." It's a shame. We could be having so much more fun imagining the good stuff.

What if I lose a loved one? What if my husband and I celebrate a 75th anniversary? (That would make me 97--it could happen.)

What if my kids reject God? What if they are models of Christian love and articulate communicators of the Truth?

What if I don't fulfill God's plans for me? What if I get to heaven and God applauds and says, "Well done, good and faithful servant"?

What if I become seriously ill? What if I become the next Denise Austin or Susan Powter or Richard Simmons (ooh, scratch that last one)

What if my furnace dies? What if it continues to squeak along as it has been for years?

What if a tornado levels my home? What if a tornado swoops in, misses the house, but flattens the dilapidated garage? (mmm, I like that one)

What if my husband goes blind or has a stroke? What if he baffles the medical community as his body instantaneously heals the bulging disc in his back and suddenly sprouts six-pack abs and intimidating pecs with the ability to carry me around the house for hours at a time?

See how much fun this is?!


Kara Bird said...

Tami, you make me smile. :) What a great thought. Why do we always think of the negative what-if's? I never stopped to think about that. I love it. Thanks for some GREAT thoughts to contemplate... and a good laugh. :) Luv ya!

Rachelle said...


I never thought about the "what ifs" in a good way. Thanks for giving me a new perspective.
I am truly thankful for you and your family this holiday and pray you will be blessed with all the good what ifs!!
Luv ya

jmb said...

Can't seem to picture Kevin as Arnold Schwasinger (sp?)

kpjara said...

I love this...a totally new and fun take on the 'what if' game...I'm going to keep this one!

Anonymous said...

I loved number 10 and needed to read it. What a great blog! I'm thankful for you....I'm adding #11. Where would I be without you? What a blessing you are to me!