I finished reading In His Steps by Charles Sheldon today. Little did I know how appropriate reading this book would be as I look ahead to a new year. At the end of the novel, the main character issues a sobering challenge. Though it was written over a hundred years ago, I thought the ideas expressed were timeless and something we should all consider. See what you think.
"How much is the Christianity of the age suffering for Him? Is it denying itself at the cost of ease, comfort, luxury, elegance of living? What does the age need more than personal sacrifice? Does the church do its duty in following Jesus when it gives a little money to establish missions or relieve extreme cases of want? Is it any sacrifice for a man who is worth ten million dollars simply to give ten thousand dollars for some benevolent work? Is he not giving something that cost him practically nothing so far as any personal suffering goes? Is it true that the Christian disciples to-day in most of our churches are living soft, easy, selfish lives, very far from any sacrifice that can be called sacrifice? What would Jesus do?
"It is the personal element that Christian discipleship needs to emphasize. 'The gift without the giver is bare.' The Christianity that attempts to suffer by proxy is not the Christianity of Christ. Each individual Christian business man, citizen, needs to follow in His steps along the path of personal sacrifice to Him. There is not a different path to-day from that of Jesus' own times. It is the same path. The call of this dying century and of the new one soon to be, is a call for a new discipleship, a new following of Jesus, more like the early, simple, apostolic Christianity, when the disciples left all and literally followed the Master. Nothing but a discipleship of this kind can face the destructive selfishness of the age with any hope of overcoming it. There is a great quantity of nominal Christianity to-day. There is need of more of the real kind. We need revival of the Christianity of Christ. We have, unconsciously, lazily, selfishly, formally grown into a discipleship that Jesus himself would not acknowledge. He would say to many of us when we cry, "Lord, Lord,' 'I never knew you!' Are we ready to take up the cross? Is it possible for this church to sing with exact truth,
All to leave and follow Thee?'
"If we can sing that truly, then we may claim discipleship. But if our definition of being a Christian is simply to enjoy privileges of worship, be generous at no expense to ourselves, have a good, easy time surrounded by pleasant friends and by comfortable things, live respectably and at the same time avoid the world's great stress of sin and trouble because it is too much pain to bear it--if this is our definition of Christianity, surely we are a long way from following the steps of Him who trod the way with groans and tears and sobs of anguish for a lost humanity; who sweat, as it were, great drops of blood, who cried out on the unreared cross, 'My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken me?'
"Are we ready to make and live a new discipleship? Are we ready to reconsider our definition of a Christian? What is it to be a Christian? It is to imitate Jesus. It is to do as He would do. It is to walk in His steps."
What do you think? Do you suffer for Christ? What is suffering? How much is enough for God? There are no easy answers. We can only discover what God requires of us personally by falling on our faces before our Lord, listening hard and long and doing what He tells us.
May your new year be one of revitalized devotion to Jesus and renewed sense of your purpose in Him.
(Photo courtesy of blue ridge laughing at Flickr).
1 comment:
We can only discover what God requires of us personally by falling on our faces before our Lord, listening hard and long and doing what He tells us. What a wonderful challenge for the New Year... making him Lord over every area of our lives. I'm with you. :~) God bless!
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