"She was never absent-minded, but often thought herself into a condition that left her alone in the midst of a crowd."
I'm guessing those of you who are part of the blogging community find yourself in this "condition" often. Am I right? Aren't blogs an outlet for the mess of thoughts running through our little brains? Don't you blog to get it out and give yourself permission to stop thinking about it? Rest assured you are not alone, my blogging friends. For myself, I consider this thinking "condition" both comforting and disheartening, a gift and a curse.

It is a curse when I find myself thinking over things too much, giving them too much importance in my mind, making a small problem bigger than necessary. Getting lost in my head prevents me from seeing what is before me. It imagines conflicts that aren't there. It can isolate me from others and make me assume too much. At times it can be down right debilitating when, in my deep thinking, I don't get much else done.
But there are times I find the ability to get lost in my head very soothing. I can be in line at the post office and talk with Jesus as easily as chatting with a friend on the phone. I can wonder about His plans for me and where He's taking me while grocery shopping. In a church service, surrounded by people, I can worship Him without reservation because in my mind, He picks me out and knows my love. Watching a movie can be an intense experience as my wheels spin the whole time, searching for spiritual truth in relation to the human condition. In the midst of a deep conversation, I can flip through my mental lists of Truth and find answers I've been searching for. Being able to be alone in my own mind means I can enter the sanctuary of God at any time and soak in His presence. It is a tremendous gift if used properly.
And there is the problem. My mind is not always thinking right. It is just as easy to be irritated that the lady in front of you at the post office did not address her packages at home, as it is to have a conversation with Jesus. I am distracted by a roomful of people as I try to sing worship songs. I am more likely to go over my mental to do lists while grocery shopping (and bemoan my many tasks) than to focus on God.
The answer is simple in theory. For me, the only way to fight off the tyranny of my mind is through scripture. It is paramount. When wrong thinking or dwelling hits me, I have to meditate on some truth from the Word. What do you do? Is it possible for a community of like-minded strangers to help each other out with this? Can we encourage one another to think rightly? How do you fight off the over analyzing thoughts and the temptation to shut everyone else out? How do you make your thought life pure? How can you be sure you are not merely lost in space?
Tami thanks for this post. I think the same way sometimes. I want an off switch for my brain sometimes. I am beginning to think that just my brain has ADD and I cannot concentrate on anything sometimes. Thanks for your encouragement in each of your comments. I hope you had a great Christmas. By the way the play was fantastic....you and Kevin are geniuses...=0).
I guess I often think of it more as a curse than a blessing, but you are so right. We have a choice how we will utilize our minds. I guess I knew that, but I don't think of it that way very often. I'm not a prisoner to my thoughts. I have a choice. Thanks for the great reminders friend!
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