I've got big news y'all (and it's not that I've been reading too many blogs from Texas!). I've been nominated for a Thinking Blogger Award by Rachelle of Seek First His Kingdom. "Colorado Rachelle", as she is affectionately known in our house (to distinguish her from my other friend and blogging buddy, Rachelle, from right here in good old Nebraska), has long been one of my own favorite thinkers. She is not afraid to say what is on her mind and ask the tough questions many of us have a hard time vocalizing. So imagine my honor when "Colorado Rachelle" said of me, "I discovered her about a year ago and I have long felt like we’re soul sisters! Tami writes beautifully about spiritual things, and she always asks great questions. One of my very favorites."
Thank you, Rachelle. I, too, am amazed at how two people who are virtual strangers can "get" each other. Thank you for being honest in your writing and for avoiding lofty platitudes. Do you s'pose we could meet one another some day?
Now, the rules of the game require me to nominate five other bloggers for the award. This meme has been circulating the Christian Women Online blog ring for a while now and many of my favorite sites there have already been nominated, many times more than once. I decided to mention some blogs outside that realm that make me think and share the love. Take a peek at these:
A Life in Pages. This was the very first blog I got hooked on. The thing I appreciate about author Angela Hunt is her variety. Her posts vary from discussing the creative process behind her work, providing links to either the silly or the serious side of life, commentary on current issues, daily frustrations and even pictures of her dogs. I can just imagine her providing fascinating dinner conversation. Too bad she lives in Florida.
A Little of This, A Little of That. Jilian is edgy and raw, a college student who doesn't censor herself, but lets it all hang out. I love it because I often wonder how many girls her age question the same things she does. I have been both fearful for and proud of her as she works out her faith on her blog, but never disappointed. She makes me think about why I believe what I do. I wish she would post more often (Are you reading this, Jilian?).
Diving in. Another busy college student I'd like to see more from is Kara, who reminds me so much of myself at her age. Possessing a great grip on Scripture and its application in real life situations, she always surprises me with her wisdom. I can't wait to see God's plan for her unfold. I will be cheering on the sidelines, Kara! An avid photographer with a great eye, each of her posts is accompanied by one of her own pics--an added bonus.
Surrending to God's Gift of Ellie Grace. Never mind that I am awfully fond of Rachelle. Her blog is full of honest feelings. It was especially meaningful lately when she and her husband were in China getting their new daughter. Talk about tears! This blog is a journey of God's hard requests and a woman with the courage to say yes, despite her fears. I hope she is able to continue sharing her faith stretching even though she now has a toddler in the house. Love you, Rachelle!
Susie's blog. Because I am so easily lost in thought, it is easy for me to miss the main point. Susie's words are so soothing, gently bringing me back to what is most important. She often produces an "ahhh" in me, as if she has ushered me into God's presence.
Think Christian. This site describes itself as blogging about the intersection of faith and culture, an accurate description in my estimation. I am often challenged to think hard about how I can make an impact on my society and love others as Jesus would.
Yes, I can count. I know I fudged and nominated six. (I was a math major after all!) I had a hard time narrowing it down and thought exposing you to all of them was doing you a favor. Have fun!
Awww, Tami, thanks for saying such sweet things about me! If you can believe it, I've never been to Nebraska in my life. So maybe there will have to be a first time. :-) I'm so glad you listed your favorite thinkers--now I can't wait to visit their blogs!
Wow! Thank you for mentioning me! I am so appreciative of anyone who reads my ramblings, and to be considered a "thinking blogger" is more than I dared hope for! :-)
Thanks for your kind words about ThinkChristian, Tami! I'm glad you've found our ramblings worth reading. I'm not familiar with all of the other blogs in your list, but will be sure to check them out.
Thank you for always being my cheerleader Tami! I appreciate it more than you know. If I could come anywhere close to having your wisdom someday, I would consider it a great success. Luv ya!
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