I guess I am what you call a SAHM, but I almost resent the label. I do so much more than stay at home and be a mom. It's hard for me to answer the question, "What do you do?" (For a while I deflected it by shaking my head and soberly saying, "Nothing. I don't do anything." People don't quite believe that, but tend to drop it after you say it. I was going for mystery and intrigue, but I'm afraid it screamed LOSER instead.) My days are very full, sometimes too full. I often wonder how in the world I'd have time for a job! I feel no calling to do anything differently with my time. My husband thinks I am doing exactly what I should be. Yet, occasionally I feel misunderstood by society. Sometimes I feel very boring and unimportant, but never unsure of my calling. Maybe this is why Christine's post about the life I could have had touched me. I give it this week's Note of Distinction. Fruit in Season is new to me and I am only beginning to savor its juices. Can I tempt you to take a bite yourself? I promise no eternal damnation!
Wow, Tami! I never thought my "heart-on-my-sleeve" post would garner such attention, though I certainly hoped it would make someone else feel the importance of their role as 'Mom'. Thanks so much for the honor and the encouraging words!
Tami, you're right, that was a wonderful post. I commented on her blog:
Beautiful. I don't think any of us (particularly women) are immune to moments when we ponder the road not chosen.
And yet for most of us, we can't think back to a "moment" when we made a distinct choice. Somehow, our lives chose us instead.
I'm always interested in this topic because in ten years of motherhood, my path has varied so much already. I've been fulltime SAHM, and I've worked at an office fulltime (while hubby went to school for his career change and did the Mr. Mom thang.) I certainly never "chose" all of this. It seems we take one day at a time and follow God's leading and the results are often surprising. The one thing I'm glad I always have is the recurring assurance that as long as I'm following Him, I'm right where I'm supposed to be.
Thanks for introducing me to another great blogger!
Isn't following God's lead a choice?
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