It was one year ago today I published my first post. I was a real novice when I started this blog. I knew very little about the blogging world, but came to it with one of the clearest instructions from God I have ever heard. He hit me over the head with the proverbial hammer and put a megaphone to my ear! So I read Blogging for Dummies (Seriously, I really did. This book does exist!), took a deep breath and dove in.
Unfortunately for you guys, this past year has been a particularly difficult one for me emotionally and spiritually. You have watched me grieve the loss of my dad and probably saw more downs than is usual for me. Last September I nearly gave up blogging when I realized the scrutiny and misunderstanding that can go along with people reading your words without hearing your tone or seeing your body language. I wanted to quit, but there was that pesky problem of God reminding me how clear His direction was. You can't tell God no, not if you love Him like I do and God, true to His form, taught me so much when I sucked it up and pressed on.
He taught me He does answer prayers, like mine to make me humble (although this one has hurt a lot!). He has taught me about perseverance and discipline. He has brought home the point that He is God and it is irrelevant whether I comprehend what He is doing. He says I have a distinct voice (so do you, by the way) and I need to be me, the person He uniquely created (again, are you hearing this for yourself?), no matter who understands. He has sent people, some I have never met, who absolutely "get" me and spur me along. He has shown me I can't keep silent about Him and His ways. Even if I try, my insides can't hold it all in as I see God do His thing. I will never be done learning and that is exciting.
So, my blogging public (?!), I guess I should thank you for coming along on this ride with me. I try not to be self-indulgent here, but I'm afraid I am sometimes. Forgive me. I figure if I am thinking and feeling the things I do, there may be someone else who is too and needs to know they are not alone. (I felt better about this when I read a ranting by Beth Moore yesterday, confirming to me that everyone has bad days and sharing them helps us all.) I want people to see how God works in the dark times as well as the happy ones. My heart's desire is that those who read this blog are pointed to God, with their joy, their sorrow, in the good AND the bad.
I'm not sure why God has called me to this blogging adventure, but I WILL heed His voice. I pray that His purposes are fulfilled. I pray He takes my words and makes them something that will encourage, inspire, make people think and bring them a chuckle now and then. I will uphold my end of the bargain, coming to the computer, and trust Him to do the rest.
God knew I needed you, Tami, and He sent you out to the blogosphere just for me. Thanks for listening to Him! You've blessed my life immeasurably for the last year and I pray the blogging has blessed you, too. Happy blogiversary!
Happy Anniversary! I am so very thankful that He set you the task to blog. And I am so very happy that He allowed me to find your blog. You encourage me in many many ways and I am honoured to call you a sister and friend.
(And that rant on LPM made me feel so much better as well! lol)
How funny we share the same blogiversary! Glad I found your blog, Tami - I enjoy reading your well thought out posts and getting to know you a bit. Glad you've stuck with it; I know I am!
Happy One Year Blogging Anniversary!! I have enjoyed your blog; you are an inspiration. May the Lord continue to use you in His amazing ways! To Him be all the glory! :)
It's been an enjoyable year for me. I think your prayers have been answered. You always have some thought that makes me stop and go "hmmm..." or smile, or breathe a sigh of relief. Thanks for being the real you... and for being real period. Love you Tami!
Yay for you! We love seeing the bad times as weel as the good. Sharing our sufferings is healing to others who may be going through similar times. I've enjoyed getting to "know" you through your writings, Tami!
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