There were four boys and four girls in her confirmation class. Eight eighth-graders who had spent week after week together, memorizing facts about God and church doctrine. Among the boys was Smart Guy who killed himself to get the best score on everything, Ladies' Man who had already mastered a studly sniff-pull-up-your-pants-puff-out-your-chest move, Ornery Cuss who found a way out of everything and The Eccentric no one bothered. The girls included her friend, Boob Queen, a girl everyone wanted to go out with and who also seemed to have all the answers, Reserved Loner who you couldn't help but picture with a book in her hand, Worldly-wise Woman she had secretly slid under the church pews with in younger years, and herself, Quiet Observer. She wasn't sure what her place was in this motley group, but that feeling wasn't unusual. Like all kids, her whole life had been about finding where she fit.
Eighth grade was their pinnacle year, the most important, which meant they got the big cheese of all teachers, their pastor. Pastor was wise and godly-looking with the appropriate amount of gray hair and polyester. He knew how to say "God" correctly, lowering his chin and giving it more authority than other words, at least that's what he did in his sermons. They had seen him speak forcefully and knew he had been a POW in WWII. He was a tough cookie and no one dared to cross him. It was possible Ornery Cuss may learn something for once.
But what Quiet Observer found odd was when Pastor talked about God in confirmation class, he was more informal, more personal. He was never stodgy, never boring. She was completely captured by what he said.
"You are special."
It was easy for her to see this in her classmates. Smart Guy cornered the market in intelligence. Boob Queen snagged all the guys. Though they said he was such a handful, people talked about Ornery Cuss with a twinkle in their eye. She couldn't pinpoint anything that set her apart.
"God created you for a specific purpose."
She could see how that might be true for The Eccentric who would probably create some amazing invention or Reserved Loner who wanted to be a doctor, but what purpose does a Quiet Observer fill? There's no amazing talent there, nothing to cause a stir.
"He has a plan for your life."
She knew Ladies' Man had his life mapped out, complete with a hot wife and important career. Worldly-wise Woman had been collecting a pay check for some time at her parents' grocery store and had her own money already. They seemed to have their lives figured out. Quiet Observer was clueless as to her future.
"You need to open yourself up to Jesus and He will make your life what He intended it to be."
She wanted so badly to believe what the pastor was saying. Was it possible there was more to life than what she knew? Quiet Observer looked around the room to see if anyone else seemed as moved as she. Ladies' Man was leaning back in his chair, hands behind his head, contemplating the ceiling. Reserved Loner was reading ahead in her confirmation book while Smart Guy furiously took notes. Boob Queen adjusted her rings and inspected her nails. Ornery Cuss was making a tattoo on his arm with his pen. The Eccentric was staring out the window and Worldly-wise Woman was adding a list of figures on the side of her paper. Were they not hearing this? Or did they not NEED this like she did?
Quiet Observer went home and decided she had nothing to lose. She prayed honestly, "Jesus, I don't get all this, but if what Pastor says is true, I want it. I want you to make more of me than what I am. Give me a special plan. Take over my life and make it something amazing." She scoured her Bible, striving to understand and she kept calling out to Jesus, over and over and over, "Make me something special. Make my life count. Come."
Slowly her life was transformed. Every time she found herself in the presence of others who made her feel insignificant she fell on her knees and opened her Bible.
And gained strength.
made us bow our heads in shame,
He can use for His glory."
~ Joanna Weaver~
Having a Mary Spirit
There is great strength in our weakness as HE makes it good. Our stumbling blocks give us the humility to admit our need. May we remember to praise God for them.
Check out Joy in the Morning to see more on this quote.
Tami, you are stunning. What a brilliant, beautiful post to illustrate this concept. "Our stumbling blocks give us the humility to admit our need." How very true. I love the portrait of a person who feels like "nothing special" and who doesn't even seem to have any particular stumbling blocks! Falling on our knees before Him is the way to allow Him to use us for His glory. Amen.
Wow, such a beautiful post, bless you.
Thanks for sharing your thoughts. I was one who rarely fit in with my peers.
"Our stumbling blocks give us the humility to admit our need."
You said this so much better than I did! Wow, just wow! Thank you.
BTW, thanks for your comment on my post. I posted a response to your question in the comments. Would love to hear more of what you are thinking.
Thank you so much for sharing today. I appreciate your showing your heart here.
Blessings ~ Loni
Amazing! Wow!
If you could see me here, you'd see me standing and cheering. Bravo! You have such an engaging style. . . I could see all of those people in my head, hear their voices . . . wonderful!
Wow Tami, what a great post. It's so colorful and descriptive! You made these people come alive. (Funny... quiet observer really reminds me of someone... of more than one someone actually.) :) Isn't it amazing how God uses our weakest points and makes them our strongest? Thanks for seeing friend. :) Love you!
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