Wednesday, September 05, 2007

A Quest for Greatness

God is great.

Not great as in good and awesome or dude, really cool, although He is, but great as in huge, amazing, awe-inspiring, ginormous, beyond comprehension.

I know it in my head. I can find all kinds of verses verifying the fact and could maybe even recite a few from memory (as long as you aren't terribly particular about EXACT wording), but it's all head knowledge. I can know God is great just as I know chocolate is great, but why doesn't that excite me and infuse my life with joy like a good piece of chocolate? Why don't I savor His greatness, letting the knowledge melt away the pressures of life?

If I truly grasped how great God is, would I worry about anything? Would I ever be rattled or stressed? Would a high cell phone bill or spot in the carpet or getting too little sleep matter at all?

If I really knew Who I was dealing with, I would never chest butt Him with my own agenda. I would have greater motivation to be in His Word and follow it wholeheartedly. His pure greatness would knock the selfishness right out of me. The only words I could utter would be, "Yes, sir" and that would be a hushed whisper. With Him yielding the reins of my life, I would rest content and secure in His shadow without doubts or any need to know more. Can you see how critical this is? If I can't recognize this crucial attribute of God, will I honor Him as I should? Am I a good servant without this understanding?

How do I foster a correct view of God? How do I gain the right perspective? How do I see His true greatness? I can pray for Him to show me (and I do), but is it fair to expect Him to do all the work? He is GOD after all. What is my responsibility?

You will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart. (Jeremiah 29:13)

. . .If you seek him, he will be found by you; but if you forsake him, he will reject you forever. (1 Chronicles 28:9)

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. (Matthew 7:7)

If I want to see His greatness, I'll have look for it. I'll have to pray and seek and expect to see it. Will you join me? Will you seek His greatness and let it transform your life? What have you got to lose?

Moses said, "Now show me your glory." God granted his request, but had to shield him from His surpassing greatness to spare him. I pray God will show me His glory too and protect me with His own hand.

Show me Your glory, Lord, and give me the courage to see it. If I only had a glimpse of You, my life would never be the same. Come, Lord Jesus, come.


Miriam Pauline said...

Wow! Thank you for this today. I've been contemplating what I could have if I just asked. Beth Moore said in Believing God (lesson 2 heard yesterday) that maybe God showed Moses His glory because Moses was the first person to have the audacity to ask! I love that! I need to believe in His greatness enough to ask. Bless you today!

Dianne said...

Good and challenging thoughts this morning, Tami! Thanks.

Kara Bird said...

Ouch. Why do you have to be such a good writer? :) This was a very relevant post to some conversations I'v been having here at school. You bring up some really good questions, and make some really good points. How can we better comprehend God's greatness. Good call friend.

C. H. Green said...


Denise said...

Thanks for this today!!! Your writing always gives me something to ponder and pray about, which is such a nice diversion to the ordinary. Blessings! Denise R.