and A Proverbs 31 Woman Wanna Be
proudly present their first-ever Group Writing Project:

We invite you to read and be inspired by all of the wonderful submissions included in this Group Writing Project! Please take a moment to leave a comment letting the authors know how much you appreciate their efforts. Share some of the reasons why you are feeling grateful this Thanksgiving.
Here are the posts included in this Group Writing Project:
- e-Mom at Chrysallis is thankful that "Jesus has promised me a rich, abundant life in the present, and an an unending eternal life in the future." She shares the "Top 13 Christian Books Every Thinking Christian Should Own". Check out her list and note how many of them are on your bookshelf.
- My delightful co-sponsor, Shalene, at A Proverbs 31 Woman Wanna Be literally uses her fingers to tick off five reasons she is thankful. "Being a Christian has taken my focus off of myself, and put it on those around me," she tells us.
- Donetta at A Life Uncommon explains why she is "thankful for a relationship that is a friendship with God."
- Sandy Carlson of Writing in Faith also submitted a post. Click here to read her article in which she describes her faith and challenges us to look at our own: "Imagine it. With a glad and grateful heart, imagine it."
- Denise of Shorty Bear's Place is well-known among Christian bloggers. She is a dear spirit, wonderful friend to us all, and needs our prayers this Thanksgiving as she is not feeling well. Nonetheless, she submitted a post for this Project that will bring you to tears. Make sure that you stop by and read Denise's testimony.
- JHS of Colloquium explains that she is thankful for her faith because she does "not know how to be anything else." Click here to read her entry about growing up in a Christian home and maintaining her faith over the years.
- Lori at All you have to give describes in an eloquent and heart-felt manner how Christians are able to endure the challenges of living in a world that can be "incredibly bad." Click here to read her devotional.
- Dan King, aka Bible Dude, is thankful to be a Christian, in part, because his faith makes him part of a community that, in his estimation, might just approximate “what Heaven might be like.”
- You know I had to put my two cents in too, right? You can see what I have to say about being a Christian by scrolling down or clicking here.
Have a very Happy Thanksgiving, my friends.
Love you,
Thanks for co-hosting this Tami! I must go stuff my turkey now, so I'll visit the other contributors a little later. I just wanted to stop by and wish you a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hugs, e-Mom :~D
A query was posed to me ..
For answers to my life please see my other blog.
"A life restored". It has a link on my side bar. Be braced for mine is a life uncommon.
My husband and I know the Eldridge's personally. My man and 4 others set a wild at heart retreat for over 300 men hear in AZ a few years back.
I have had the privilege to go on two captivating retreats. Good STUFF!
I enjoyed following these links today. It's nice to meet some new-to-me bloggers! :~D
Thanks for including me in this project. I am looking forward to reading your entry now and the others as the weeks unfold. You have created a wonderful devotional conversation.
God bless.
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