(1) "Giving thanks, eucharisteo, gives us that: communion."
(Thanks, Ann. You always know how to phrase it.) Have I felt distant from God because I haven't been thankful? It's a tough question to ask yourself.
(2) "Don't give up on God."
Just when I was tired of pressing on, thinking it gets me no where, my Bible study buddies, not knowing where my mind was camped, spoke of God's mercy in their lives, His perfect plans which took time, but become more precious as a result. "Don't give up on God." Indeed.
(3) "You need to change something. What you're doing is not working."
I said this to my daughter regarding a problem she was having, only to wonder later if I need to apply it to my own life. Talk about a log!
(4) "Use your umbrella."
We had to make a decision concerning one of our kids and it was stressing me out. It wasn't anything monumental or of huge consequence, but a mother always wants the best for her kids and I couldn't decide what was best. As I lay awake another night stewing about it, God told me, "You have a husband. I have set husbands up to be umbrellas of protection for their families. Use your umbrella, Tami. Let him help you make the decision. Trust his judgment." While I agonize over some things, my husband can end the matter and move on. So I asked him to. Problem over. If I had relied on him sooner and been willing to accept his solution, I could have saved myself some grief (and gotten WAY more sleep!).
(5) "That was a sacrifice of obedience and it has to be enough."
Something I'd done didn't turn out how I'd hoped and my dear friend reminded me my effort was not lost. Do you think God honors our "yes", even when the result doesn't seem fruitful to us?
(6) "Satan is robbing my joy."
I can see it. My head knows it. I can say it out loud, so why do I fall victim to it? Why does he bother with me? What threat am I? James 4:7 tells us to resist the devil and he will flee. The best way to resist him is refusing to believe his lies. Utter the name of Jesus. Focus on God's Truth. Still he trips me up. I must need the practice in denying him such power.
(7) "Yet the Lord longs to be gracious to you; He rises to show you compassion. For the Lord is a god of justice. Blessed are all who wait for him!"--Isaiah 30:18
Another dear friend reminded me of this verse. It blew a slight breeze into my droopy sail. Blessed are all who wait for Him. Waiting is active and expectant. Waiting hopes for more and trusts in whatever happens. Blessed are all who wait--expect, hope and trust--for Him.
What better way to end a post than with a word of Truth? Have a great weekend, my friends and be sure to visit Jennifer at Conversion Diary to read more Quick Takes.

Excellent points!
#6 ~ Tami thanks for all the words of encouragement you offer. Sometimes we need friends to remind us to FOCUS and not let Satan rob our joy. Love ya.
I loved every one of these Tami, especially the one about the umbrella of protection we have in our husbands. What a relief!
Keep 'em coming. This is an excellent meme.
Hugs, e-Mom :~D
It is reassuring to see through your words how many different ways God speaks to us. Great words and a great witness. Keep believing.
Oh, what a good word here, my friend. Encourages me to rest in His many provisions for my care, and to open my umbrella more:-)
Love & hugs,
What great phrases and very applicable to all of us! I love 4!
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