But no matter how hard she tried, there was always someone better.
So she devoted herself to doing it right.
But she was human and messed it up.
She decided to learn everything she could.
But searching always brings more questions.
Maybe it was best to concentrate on pleasing Him.
But how do you know when you've pleased God?
She prayed and served and sought. She loved and listened and waited.
None of it seemed enough. He had done so much more. He deserved so much more. How could her measly efforts ever bring Him glory?
Finally He spoke,
I don't need you to be the best.
I don't need you to be perfect.
I don't need you to be right.
I need you to be you.
I don't want what you can do.
I want you.

Perfectly said and a peaceful place to rest in Him!
What a great reminder!
Yes! We're just supposed to be ourselves. What a relief. Nice post. :~D
Amen and Amen!
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