1) Boy, oh boy, a nerve was hit with this week's Assumptions post (To get the full effect, you've really got to read the comments. And I received more via Facebook and e-mail). Are we all a bunch of lonely women who look really good and confident on the outside, but pine away for meaningful relationships on the inside? Does it help to know those you find beautiful and smart and together feel the same way you do?
It's true, you know. I think ALL of us feel inferior or lacking in some way. Every single time I write something about this topic of connection among women and the way we stack ourselves up against each other, I get a lot of feedback. I'm thinking it's a subject we need to talk about more. It's time for us to quit being intimidated of each other and start relying on each other. Stay tuned. I know I'll be writing on this more in the days to come.
2) I got to be Supermom this week. My ten-year-old came home for the portion of the day we home school and was bummed because their elementary track and field day, which was supposed to take place that afternoon, had been postponed. In her words, "It was like telling us Christmas was cancelled." It was her teacher's birthday and it sounded like she planned to go out for lunch, but because the kids were disappointed, she changed her plans to eat with them in their classroom.
"We should bring back a treat for her birthday," I told my daughter, "We might have just enough time to make a giant brownie or cookie."
And so we did. Over and over I heard, "Thanks, Mom. This was a really good idea." She kept wrapping her hand around my arm and smiling, smiling, smiling. She made me feel like a million bucks. Later, I watched her carry the finished product into the classroom so proudly, like she was presenting a precious diamond to the Queen of England. It was one of those rare moments you think you may have done something right as a parent.
Such a simple thing, yet such a huge impact (Not only on my daughter. The teacher seemed touched too.). SO worth it.
3) Speaking of birthdays, yesterday was the birthday of my my dear friend, Linda. She is a smart, insightful, thinking kind of woman with a tender spirit and sincere heart for God (not to mention really great hair and eyes that dance when she smiles). She consistently encourages and challenges me, making me want to be a better person. See for yourself by taking a look at her blog, One Voice. Give her some belated birthday wishes while you're at it and pray she doesn't punch me for steering you her way. It's time to sink or swim, babe. You know I love you!
4) I'm one of those weird people who enjoy rainy days. There's something very soothing about the sound of rain gently falling and a little darkness in the middle of the day. I think I would enjoy living in a place like London or Seattle (hey, shout out to you, e-Mom), known for their foggy, rainy days.
5) It's a good thing I had the Supermom moment earlier in the week, because later I felt like a poor one, the mom who means well, but doesn't always get the job done for her kids. All of them have been asking for hair cuts I've put off scheduling (wasn't sure how or where to fit 'em in). My son worried his trip to a specialist was going to cost a lot of money (do I make him feel like the money is more important than him?). The one who's been extremely patient about her wacky cell phone and lack of a car is frustrated. And all I want to do is run away for a week with my husband. Some Supermom, huh? Aye yi yi.
It's crazy how lack of sleep and a busy week can sap the confidence right out of you, isn't it? Should we all recite the mantra together?
I am NOT a bad mom, I am NOT a bad mom, I am NOT a bad mom. . .
6) When I grow up I want the ability to answer multiple questions at the same time while I make dinner, ignore the phone, keep kids on task with homework, find the missing shoes for the concert and properly greet my husband without getting snarky.
7) I'm going to start my weekend off right by staying home today and I think my hunk of a man may actually be here too. The two of us alone in a quiet house for good portion of the day. . .I should be a new woman by 3:PM.
That does it for me on this May Day. Have a great weekend, my friends. Pop in on Jennifer at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes.

Sounds like you have a few dents in your fender! Love that song! Also love your blog.
Talk about assumptions---I must admit that I, too, have made assumptions about people simply because of what their husbands do for a living (as I mentioned to you before). But I have to realize that people are just that --people! Everyone has their dents.
You enjoy the rain, I enjoy the snow----and people think I'm strange because of it!
Talk about a super mom----I didn't even plan to take the day off to watch my son on field day! Didn't even cross my mind to do so! Until a very well meaning mom asked me if I was planning to be there---oops! And now I'm sitting here typing this comment instead of getting my boys dressed for school-----it's one of those jobs that just won't seem to get done by itself!
Oh Well---got to go!
When I grow up I want the ability to answer multiple questions at the same time while I make dinner, ignore the phone, keep kids on task with homework, find the missing shoes for the concert and properly greet my husband without getting snarky....yeah, me too.
Come join me for a cuppa and we can listen to the rain together.
Have a great weekend
First... I have to say I am SO GLAD I FOUND YOUR BLOG! I've spent the last ten minutes reading your past entries and you are going on my blogroll!
Second...Great 7 Quick Takes and I agreed with your Assumptions post... you were right on and I loved you were so candid in your entry.
OOOeee...thanks for the linky love! I'm enjoying the sunshine around here lately...
It's Friday night, with a very long week behind me. Right now, I can SO relate to this: It's crazy how lack of sleep and a busy week can sap the confidence right out of you, isn't it? My DH has gone out alone for some manly "cave time" so I'm just hanging here with you. Have a wonderful weekend Tami!
Have a great day with your man!!! I'm off to a track meet today. I soooo could use a good night's sleep!!
Tami, I've alway been sad that women seem to compete instead of uplift and nurture each other.
Part of the problem may be that too often we DONT feel like supermom:-)
Thanks for honesty! Stop by my column at Take Root and Write: God's Wonder Woman.
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