1) The game is on. My husband found out I had more Facebook friends than he did and suddenly he started sending out friend requests like credit card junk mail. We can't let him win, can we? NO, WE CAN'T! So do me a favor. If you're not already my Facebook friend, help a girl out and click on the button on my sidebar to join me. If you ARE my friend, suggest some people I may not have befriended yet. Let's get him. (And don't you even think about being his friend!)
2) Perfect Baby Angel Child (otherwise known as Miss Innocent One) turned 11 yesterday. 11! How can my baby be 11?! Makes me feel old.
3) Thanks to Perfect Baby Angel Child's birthday, we now have two new critters in our house. Meet Maizy and Daisy.
4) It's been a year since my father-in-law's terrible fall. Last year at this time we were praying he'd survive and I was truly scared of losing him. Now he's up and around, attending our kids' events, a little slower, yes, which I know he finds frustrating, but he's HERE.
It's been a tough year for he and my mother-in-law, but I am so proud of them and their resolve to keep pressing forward. I'm sure there were days they thought it easier to stay in bed than keep fighting, but I am so glad they didn't. We reap the benefits of their tenacity and long suffering faith in God. They are a tremendous example of love and perseverance.
Thank you, Mom and Dad, for pushing yourselves to have a good attitude, for working hard when it might have been easier to give up. I can't imagine life without Dad's charming grin and tender spirit. I know it hasn't been easy. I, for one, am deeply thankful.
5) At our house, we have real life experience with teenagers being over the top. Case in point, our teenage daughter talking about things she hates:
"Ladybugs," she said, "they're awful."
"Ladybugs?!" I asked, "What's wrong with ladybugs?"
"Are you kidding me? They're terrible," she said, her face all scrunched up in perfect disgust, "Ladybugs are like the spawn of Satan."
Maybe her name should be Drama Queen.
6) I've been signing forms out the wazoo for beginning of the year school stuff. I bet there's been at least 20 things I've left my name on this week and they just keep coming and coming. Then there's the checks I've sent in. . .where's a hole I can crawl into for a while? Sigh.
7) I leave you today with a picture of my goofy kids. Now you too can feel my pain.
Really, what would I do without them?!
Have a great weekend, my friends. Be sure to visit our lovely host, Jennifer at Conversion Diary for more Quick Takes.

Tell Attila that Ladybugs eat spiders.....maybe she'll give 'em a chance then! (I really don't think any creature who eats spiders should be considered the "spawn of Satan"!! Spiders on the other hand...
The spawn of satan?
Good grief, Mom - what have you unleashed upon our world!!!
And your last commenter said spiders were evil - heck, THEY eat other BUGS!
They're all God's critters.
All except chiggers. And ticks.
I think all your kids look like their father in the photo.
It's late... but I wanted to stop by. We're already friends on Facebook, sooooo... can't help you beat out the competition. (My DH is justing getting into FBing, but can't quite see "the point" yet... LOL)
Hooray for your in-laws. My Dad keeps falling. Sigh. We're off to visit this weekend. Ouch, I hate the thought of losing him. He's 86 today. Glad your FIL has persevered.
Love you! Happy weekend. :~D
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