Jesus, the King of the Jews, the Savior of the World.
Born to ordinary people, in an unremarkable small town, as any other baby entered the world, without great fanfare, void of the honor due Him, experiencing growing pains all humans face.
WHY?! If God is all about achieving glory, why would He allow His Son so little when He came to earth?
To know ordinary me. To understand ordinary you.
“Just as Our Lord came into human history from outside, so He must come into me from outside. Have I allowed my personal human life to become a “Bethlehem” for the Son of God?”
by ~ Oswald Chambers
My Utmost for His Highest
My heart is a regular Bethlehem, small, insignificant, nothing special. Until. . .
. . .it becomes the birthplace of a King.
Without Him I am common. With Him I am extraordinary.
O come, o come, Emmanuel. Make me more than what I am.
Join other In "Other" Words participants at Miriam Pauline's Monologue.

"Without Him I am common. With Him I am extraordinary."--What a great reminder!
Thank you for your wisdom today. I am always blessed on Tuesdays. :-)
Absolutely mind-blowing concept that with him we become extraordinary. Thank you for sharing today. Beautiful.
Happy 2010 my friend!
Wise words from an ever-so wise woman! Thank you for your post!
Oh yes, you are extraordinary ...with Him! You said so much of great importance in a very concise way Tami. Loved it.
"My heart . . . becomes the birthplace of a King." I never thought of it that way! Amazing words. Thanks for including the beginning words of that carol. Yes, come o come, Emmanuel. And make my heart a Bethlehem.
What an honor that our hearts can be such a birthplace. A place for the King of Kings. Wow!
You and me girl are always on the same page. It cracks me up! Are you over here reading my mind or am I reading yours?! LOL... Actually, I think we are really just feeling the Lords heart! Love it!
:) Have a beautiful week of blessings!
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