1) I've had a melancholy week, evaluating what I need to do better for 2010, how I've failed in 2009, and I realized I have lost my joy. Life has a way of stealing our joy, doesn't it? To get my head screwed on straight, I looked up tons of verses on joy. Here's one of my favorites:
There was no joy in the moment for Jesus as He endured the cross, but He did it for the joy set before him, for LATER. I am too short-sighted. I need to endure now for the joy later, not expect joy to follow me every moment of every day. Time to buck up and get to work.Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God. Consider him who endured such opposition from sinful men, so that you will not grow weary and lose heart.
Hebrews 12:2-3
2) Drama Queen attended Snowball last Sunday. Snowball is bigger in our town than Prom. She looked so grown up and pretty and happy. We took a picture together and for the first time ever, I saw she had a little resemblance to me. What do you think?
She even looks like she kind of likes me in this picture. I love it.
3) Kevin and I had a lovely evening out ourselves last weekend. We enjoyed a good dinner with great conversation, a movie and hanging out at Barnes & Noble. It was really cold, forcing us to huddle together to stay warm--such a hardship. Snow lightly falling added to the ambiance of the evening. It felt like a movie moment kind of date until we turned the corner to our house and found no where to park. There were 10-12 cars outside and probably 20 kids inside. Drummer Boy invited a "few" friends over. Kids sprawled out in the living room and ran up and down the stairs to the attic. They are good kids I don't mind having around who cleaned up after themselves, so I can't complain, but it was a strange way to end a romantic evening.
4) Big news on the gecko front. I actually saw Elmo's eye this week! I was right. It really is still in there. Of course the words, "You were right, Mom," did not escape Ladies Man's mouth, but I know. Now I have leverage for the next time he doesn't believe me. "Remember when you thought Elmo's eye was gone. . . " Yep, it'll be good mother fodder for a long time. But there's more good news. The little guy's been eating worms on his own again. No more tedious feedings through an eye dropper.
So it's official. I really did save his life getting that hunk of gunk out of his eye. Some of you ask how big this critter is, so I think it's time for a peek of him. Isn't he cute?
5) What a winter we're having! This week marked our third winter storm since the middle of December. Honestly, I don't mind the snow, even when I've got to be out in it. In fact, I wished I had my camera with me the other night when I came out to my vehicle to lay eyes on the most fluffy, sparkly, beautiful snowflakes I have ever seen. You could actually make out the patterns on them. Absolutely gorgeous. I just wanted to fling them in the air and let them fall all over me, but it was something like 5 degrees so I refrained, plus I didn't want to alarm the other women leaving the parking lot.
So I like the winter weather, but my kids are getting all out of whack. I can't ever remember a year we've had this many snow days. Since their Christmas break they were in school for a day, got out early the next, and haven't gone back since. Ladies Man remarked, "It feels like we're still on Christmas vacation." They think since there's no school they should stay up til whenever and sleep the day away. How will we ever get back into a normal schedule? I've got to put some blame on myself though. On these cold, snowy mornings I let them sleep because I enjoy sitting at my dining room table, drinking tea and staring out the window at the piles of white outside. I can't bear to interrupt my solitude by waking them up.
See why I question my parenting skills?
6) There's a little game going around Facebook where women are posting the color of their bra in their status. You ladies are making me feel quite boring with your answers. I've seen more variety in bra colors than I knew existed, even polka dot and leopard prints. I only own white and black. Have I been missing out on some guilty pleasure my whole life? To think I've been feeling racy when wearing a black bra. I'm such an intimate apparel novice.
7) It's CHILLLLLLY in Nebraska today, folks. Here's where my family will be congregating.
Stay warm and cozy, friends. Catch ya next week.
To read more Quick Takes visit Conversion Diary.

Elmo is pretty cute....for a gecko.
I hear you on the winter storms. We have not experienced more than one snow day here in 9 years, and now have had two large snows this year and lots still on the ground. Mean mom that I am, tho, we finish home school each morning before they can go play in it.
What a beautiful mother/daughter picture!
Praying you find your joy my friend. It would have been so easy to focus on where I failed in 2009, but the change of perspective of what did I learn in spite of not reaching all of my goals made me see that 2009 was not the failure I thought. Praying you can find that perspective as well.
Ha, I wondered what all the color posts by friends meant. As usual, I'm clueless. That also explains the post by a friend that simply said "none." I feel like I'm back in junior high!
I needed that verse today. I'm struggling to be joyful lately too. You and Kels look precious in that pic.....funny thing you're both wearing purple.
I had a post about joy as well! Must be the season:-)
Great picture!
Loved the verse. I'ved had the winter blahs. I've always thought your daughter looks like you. Sorry but Elmo is scary to me. Your fire looks cozy. Oh...and about the bras. If it makes you feel any better I start posting guessing they were talking about shoes. I stopped when people started questioning my color choices and told me what it was. Rachelles answer was the best though!
Brrrr... and we're complaining about rain? Sorry Tami for your chilly weather. But I agree, snow is SO pretty (when I don't have to drive in it.)
Yes, you and your daughter do look alike... especially in that luscious plum tone. :~D
I was really blessed by this thought (and even posted it as my Facebook update -- with proper credit given, of course):
"There was no joy in the moment for Jesus as He endured the cross, but He did it for the joy set before him, for LATER. I am too short-sighted. I need to endure now for the joy later, not expect joy to follow me every moment of every day. Time to buck up and get to work."
Boy, do I need to be reminded of that...constantly!
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