I've talked before on this blog about wanting to do big things for God. I want to be like Moses or Abraham or Mary. I want to achieve something truly miraculous that points tons of people to Him.
And for some reason I've assumed I haven't or don't or my efforts aren't big enough, aren't worthy of the "great" title.
But today a precious friend said something I won't soon forget.
"Whatever God asks of you, doing it and obeying Him is what makes it great."
A great work for God is anything we do in obedience to Him. We show God His importance in our life by doing what He asks, no matter how ordinary or mundane or unimportant we view it. Obeying His call makes our work spectacular in His eyes.
Heeding God's nudging to help someone carry packages becomes a great work of God. Making the phone call we dread simply because God said to, gains His nod of approval. Leading a Bible study or writing a book which seem beyond us, but doing it anyway because He's asked us, is worship of a Holy God who deserves it.
Being great is only a matter of obeying, of doing what He asks.
So today I expose myself in a blog post trusting it is a big work for God. I pray I've made Him smile.
If you love me, you will obey what I command.
John 14:15
How will you be great today?

Image Credit: Rosencruz Sumera
I just started reading Jeremiah this morning and the little "blurb" before hand talks about just this - that Jeremiah was a miserable failure by the world's standards.But in God's eyes, Jeremiah was one of the most successful people in all of history because God measures by obedience and faithfulness. You go girl!
Um....that was me, not Alex. Funny. :-)
So true. Wonderfully wise words yet again. Thank you for being great for God today.
This post reminded me of something wonderful I read in the classic book "Stepping Heavenward" by Elizabteh Prentiss. I actually had to go look it up. Thank you for reminding me of this great principle. Also, thank you for the great Scriptures you listed when we need to fight the temptation to give into defeating feelings.
Sorry, this is kind of long quote, but I thought worthwhile.
"Every act of obedience is an act of worship. The most indifferent actions cease to be such and become good as soon as one performs them to the will of God. They are often more purer than certain actions that appear more virtuous. First, because they are simpler and less exposed to vanity; second, because they are less of our own choice and more in order of providence when one is obliged to perform them; third, because if one yields to them with moderation, one finds in them more of death to one’s inclinations than in certain acts of fervor in which self-love mingles; and finally, because these little occasions occur more frequently and furnish a secret occasion for continually making every moment profitable. It is not necessary to make great efforts nor acts of great reflection in order to offer what are called indifferent actions. It is enough to lift the soul one instant to God, to make a simple offering of it. Everything which God wishes us to do, and which enters into the course of occupation suitable to our position, can and ought to be offered to God; nothing is unworthy of Him but sin."
Great quote, LittleWomen21. Thanks!
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