You inspire me with your efforts and your desire to be more for God. I see in you a treasured, beautiful woman, unique and loved and special, NOT forgotten, overlooked or unimportant. You are not being punished. God is chipping away at you to reveal a diamond, all in His perfect timing.
I notice you and though I have no magic words, I care. I pray. I ask for wisdom in knowing how to help. And though I may not say it enough, I love you. I'm proud of you for pushing forward, for persevering, for admitting to your struggle. In doing so, you find help in others. I look forward to glimpses of the masterpiece God is creating in you.
Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
He sees. He knows. He is working. He WILL overcome.
Hang on.
Are you struggling? Do you need someone in your corner, someone to talk to? Can I pray for you?
You are wholly and dearly loved, my friend. Believe it.

Wow! I don't know who you had in mind when you penned that, but they are so blessed to have you as a friend! It brought tears to my eyes...just what I needed to hear this morning. Thank you!
I love this post - I love all of your posts - but this one grabbed my heart today. Bless you - Tami you are the sweet pen in the hand of God!
Just saw this my friend. Sent you an email. Beautiful post.
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