Since Valentine's Day fell on a Sunday this year, there was very little celebrating done at our house. Playing in the orchestra for a matinee performance of the community theater production made the day more hectic than normal for me. Kevin and I are more likely to celebrate on February 9th anyway, as it's the day we got engaged, but even that was out this year as he had the stomach flu and half the house was sick this week. So Valentine's Day/week ended up being pretty uneventful.
Imagine my surprise (and delight) then, when I went to bed last night to see this.

Sometime during the day Miss Innocent One made our bed (gasp--I don't make my bed every day--horror of all horrors), a card for both of us and personal notes with pixie sticks attached. How sweet is that?!
Of course now the other kids will roll their eyes and say, "Oh sure, Perfect Baby Angel Child." When will they learn from her it takes so little to please their mother?
I was just telling Jason yesterday how precious I thought it was that Miss Innocent and Ladies Man gave Kaden their prizes at Chuck-E-Cheese Saturday. Therefore, Kaden got over 200 tickets and a cup ful of candy. Something pretty great about those kids of yours...must have a great mother to mimc
Ah, here I thought Kevin, had made the homemade card, with a suggestive note......nice though.
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