I don't understand.
My questions often get in the way of my faith.
Lord, why?
Why did you let my parents divorce after I prayed an entire life time for them?
Why do you bless some and not others?
What is the point of my father-in-law's accident?
When will you bring relief for my friend who loves you?
Why would you let a stroke steal my social grandmother's speech?
Why won't you intervene in difficult circumstances?
Why did my dad struggle to breathe for years and die on my son's birthday?
Why must we wait?
Why did you take that woman's husband in the prime of their lives?
What happened to my friendship?
The sense of God's ways eludes me.
I don't understand.
I turn to wisdom not my own
For every battle You have known.
My confidence will rest in You;
Your love endures; Your ways are good.
When I am weary with the cost,
I see the triumph of the cross;
So in its shadow I shall run
Till He completes the work begun.
When Trials Come
by Keith and Kristyn Getty
I don't have to understand. I need to trust.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding. Do not be wise in your own eyes; fear the Lord and shun evil. This will bring health to your body and nourishment to your bones.
Proverbs 3:5, 7-8
I don't have to understand.
I need to trust.
To read other takes of this quote, visit Jen at Scraps and Snippets.

Job chapters 38-42 come to mind... :)
Good morning Tami - it is so encouraging to be reminded that even in the midst of all that "stuff" that we all struggle with, He is STILL in control. Thank you for sharing from your heart. Nina
It's so hard to trust in those circumstances that make no sense to us...but what a blessing when we do trust and are able to rest in Him.
Thanks so much for participating today!
Thank you Tami for your wise words...you are right.
Faith brings the victory, but you obviously already know that. :-)
"My questions often get in the way of my faith." Boy isn't that the truth. I told my Bible Study ladies this morning that it would be just a wonderful thing if we would just follow Jesus first. No, we always have to take the long route. Maybe we learn more that way. :) Have a good one!
Tami, this is a powerful post. Such aptly chosen words. I need to reread this post every day for a while. Thank you. You are a blessing.
Is WHY? the same as I DON'T UNDERSTAND? If so I have asked that question more times then I can count---Trusting in God has gotten easier, but I'm still a long ways from turning to Him first. Too often He is a last resort not my first.
Dear Anonymous,
I'd say WHY? IS the same as I don't understand. I hope you realize you are not alone in struggling to trust God. We all do it. It's hard to trust in Someone you can't see. Personally, I think it takes a LOT of practice.
Hang in there. The more you work at it, the easier it will be!
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