Friday, September 17, 2010

7 Quick Takes (Volume 99)

1) I've been hearing a new word coming out of Miss Innocent One's mouth lately--"suckish." As in, "That's kind of suckish" or "My day was suckish" or "This homework is suckish."

It makes me think of Sylvester the cat saying, "Sufferin' succotash!"

I know. That makes me old. Sigh.

2) Drama Queen carried a box of vanilla wafers.

Ladies Man: Hey, I'll have some of those.

Drama Queen: No, this is my dessert.

Ladies Man: It's my dessert too.

Drama Queen: Get your own dessert.

Ladies Man: Quit being a . . .

He catches my eye.

Ladies Man: . . .good sister. Give me some. Please.

Uh huh. Anyone else pretty sure that would have ended differently had I not been right there?

3) Drummer Boy . . . Oh, Drummer Boy! Are you ever coming home?!

I'm the mom. I'm supposed to lay a guilt trip, right?

4) Miss Innocent One released a rumble from her backside, not a polite toot, but a gurgle worthy of wincing.

Me: Yikes, honey.

Miss Innocent One: I'm surprised I don't poop my pants when I do that.

Me: No kidding.

Miss Innocent One: I didn't even dribble.

Is it just me or is that TMI?

5) I asked Ladies Man and Miss Innocent One if they had any good ideas for a birthday present for their dad. They were both in talkative moods and chattered on with little productivity until I eventually tuned out. And then I heard this.

Ladies Man: We need to solve the equation D + P = H

As a former math teacher, the equation talk perked me right up.

Ladies Man: Dad + Present = Happiness. We've got the D, now we just need to fill the variable P and we can have Happiness.

Is it any wonder I'm a little dizzy? All that closing my eyes and shaking my head takes a toll.

6) The latest text exchange between me and Drummer Boy:

Me (at an appointment in his town): R u home? want 2 eat w us?

Drummer Boy: I'm actually sick :/ stayed home from classes today.

Me: Cold? can we bring u something? need some meds or food?

Drummer Boy: Nah I'm fine. I haven't been getting much sleep lately and my body told me to stop ha.

Me: U sure we can't bring u anything?

Drummer Boy: Haha yes. I'm fine mother!

Me: OK son! hey u want 2 come 4 dinner sun. 2 celebrate dad's bday?

Drummer Boy: I'm actually gonna come home this weekend to watch the game with some guys so yeah!

Me: Glory be!

Drummer Boy: Yeah! On a side note, Jaime had some undergrad she works with ogle me today! :P

Me: She told me. STUD.

Do you see any reason he quit texting back after that?

7) I love having a husband who makes me feel wanted. We were out and about and he wanted to go out for lunch. I was more than a little hesitant since we'd gone out to lunch together Monday and had plans for the weekend.

Me: But we're going out tomorrow night for your birthday.

Kevin (with his best puppy dog face): I know, but I want you both times.

Now what woman could say no to that? I know. I'm easy. (Rachelle, zip it!)

And that's a wrap this beautiful Friday in Nebraska, folks. Take a break and read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.


Jaime Kubik said...

Yeah! I'm glad he told you about the ogling. Too cute! Always nice when someone notices you...even for boys, right?!

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...


Denise J. Hughes said...

You know ... you have a knack for dialogue. That is one of the hardest parts of the craft to master too.

Cindy said...

You know, I think working with Middle School kids is getting to me, because I laughed out loud at #4. ;)

Amy Sullivan said...

First time here and this made me LAUGH!

My favorite name was "Ladies Man". Too funny, does he know you call him that?

Nice "meeting" you!

Kelly Loy Gilbert said...

Oh my goodness, I am laughing so hard right now. Came across your blog from Conversion Diary and I'm so glad I did--this totally made my night! Made me remember what it was like to grow up with a brother, and makes me look forward to having kids myself. ;) You are hilarious and captured this so well!