Thursday, September 16, 2010

A Prayer for Empowerment

Lord, I am only me.
A person far, FAR from perfect.
A woman wanting to please You, but knowing her weaknesses all too well.
An individual recognizing Your grace, but failing in her application.
A little girl wanting to hear You say, "Good job," but knowing she doesn't deserve it.
How can I ever do enough for You?
How can my measly attempts be sufficient for the Creator of the universe?
How can a human make Almighty God proud?
How do I make You smile?

Your Word tells me You have given everything I need for life and godliness.
I claim that promise now.
Make me strong.
Give me the spirit of power and love and self-discipline.
Enable me to do that which seems beyond me.
Guide my steps, my mouth.
Empower me with Your spirit.
Remind me I do not walk alone.
Grant wisdom and discernment, humility and mercy.
Make me more like You.

In the name of Jesus,

Photo Credit: Tolka Rover