Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Be Near. Be Clear.

I watch my daughter struggle to decide what direction to take her young life. Where should she go to college? What should she choose for a major? What does God want her to be? What does He want her to do?

I can't answer her questions. I listen and give my two cents (lucky her), but I can't make the decisions. So I pray.

O God, be near. Be clear.

God's placed my friend in a tough spot. Despite her best efforts to rise above it, pain from her past and stress in her present steal her joy. She carries a heavy burden and begs God for relief which doesn't come.

I can't explain it. I don't understand it myself. I wish for a way to lighten her load, but there's nothing I can do. So I pray.

O God, be near. Be clear.

Another friend talks about the hard thing God's asking her to do. She'd rather not follow His voice on this difficult task, but she loves God so she will. When is the right time? What will happen as a result? What will she say? How will others react to her choice?

I have no way of knowing and can't advise her at all, but I listen. I admire her courage. I ask questions, hoping to help her process her thoughts and feelings. And I pray.

O God, be near. Be clear.

I struggle with my own perceptions of what my life should be. What is the best way to spend my time? What activities should I be involved with and what should I let go? What honors Him the most? How do I make the most of the years my kids are left in my house yet work in His service? Can God show me the blueprint so I know I'm on the right track?

His lack of answers brings me to my knees.

O God, be near. Be clear.

It doesn't take long to realize our inability to handle this life on earth appropriately. It's frustrating, but a gift, really, if we let it lead us to the throne of God.

Be near me Lord Jesus
I ask Thee to stay
close by me forever
and love me, I pray.
Bless all the dear children
in Thy tender care.
And take us to heaven
to live with Thee there.

Away in the Manger
Verse Three

O God, be near. Be clear.

Photo Credit: magnusvk


Monkey-Farmer-38 said...

~ That's the greatest love of a mother. To pray for her children and desire God's will for them. You are a constant blessing with your blog and I am continually amazed at the ways that God continues to use your words to teach, encourage, and inspire. Love you friend.

Marsha Young said...

What a good theme for the day -

Oh, God, be near, be clear.

I am praying about a trip and whether I should take it and for a family member who is suddenly facing a health crisis.

So I am praying with you - Oh, God, be near, be clear. God bless you - Marsha Young at Spots and Wrinkles.