Friday, October 08, 2010

7 Quick Takes (Volume 102)

1) I helped Miss Innocent One with some homework. We answered questions about Canada with a map in front of us.

Miss Innocent One (looking over the map): What is the national capitol of Canada? I used to know this. Let's see . . .

I stared at her in disbelief. It was clearly labeled right in front of her.

Miss Innocent One: Hmmm . . . I know I saw it earlier. It seems like it begins with an A or an O or something like that.

I pointed to the bold red letters in the middle of the page.

Miss Innocent One: Oh, duh, blondie!

Though I was thinking the same thing, I shook my head and chuckled.

Miss Innocent One: But I do have to say there's way more stupid people in middle school than me. Really. I'm not kidding.

I know I should have said something very proper and set her straight about respecting her peers or something like that, but I couldn't help it. The way she said it just made me laugh. That Mother of the Year continually slips through my fingers.

Except that I'm a pro at pronouncing difficult Canadian provinces like Saskatchewan. Try it. It's great fun.

Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan.

2) We knew we may be in for a long night when walked in our back door Saturday night to this.

The kids had friends over. And these were only the shoes left at the back door. There was another mess of them at the FRONT door. I bet twenty-five teenagers sprawled out over our living room. I would have taken a picture but they had the lights off watching a movie. Besides, a mom taking pictures of adolescents hanging out is probably a kill joy, right? Hmmm . . . maybe next time I want my house back I'll know what to do.

3) Congratulations to Drama Queen for making it into the top ten candidates for Homecoming Queen!

Of course if she reads this I'll get a "Pssht, whatever."

4) I went with some friends to Springfield, MO last weekend to attend A Night With the Chapmans where we saw Steven Curtis and Mary Beth Chapman and their sons. Two years ago their youngest daughter Maria was killed when her older brother accidentally ran over her in the family's driveway. The evening was a testament to the power of God and His ability to take any tragedy and use it for His glory. The Chapmans exude God and I was humbled at my own tendency to complain about minor issues. God's presence was very real. If you have an opportunity to attend this event, DO IT! You won't regret it. (THANK YOU RACHELLE!)

5) Yesterday's Random Thought Thursday was, to use the vernacular of my kids, an epic fail.


I am sincerely grateful to the two people who responded, but the rest of you totally left me hanging!!! You've completely destroyed my faith in mankind. See if I try to include you again!

6) I thought Miss Innocent One's teacher was pulling a fast one on his students when she came home from school saying she could get extra credit or a pop or something if she could balance an egg.

Me: Oh honey, he's teasing you.

Miss Innocent One: No sir. He said it has something to do with the way the earth is rotating right now.

Me (not buying it): No.

Miss Innocent One: Yes, it's possible. Kids brought in pictures.

Me: You can try it, but it'll never happen.

The little stinker proved me wrong.

I wonder if this earth rotation fluke could bring balance to other areas of life. Could this strange twist of nature make my kids clean their rooms or say only nice things to each other or stay home long enough to have an actual conversation? Could it spur my husband to make dinner or bring me flowers? Ooh. We must test this theory.

7) My friends in southeast Nebraska should tune into KUCV-FM (91.1 on the dial) this morning at 9:AM to hear my darling husband talk on "Live at the Mill" about the upcoming Beatrice Regional Orchestra concert on October 17th. He's praying he doesn't sound like an idiot. I think he'll be fine as long as he doesn't try to fit in Saskatchewan.

Have a great weekend friends and read more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

1 comment:

Christy said...

Kevin Kehne, an assistant professor of physics at Delta College in Saginaw, Mich. "Each year, science fans tear their hair out when some media outlet features a story about the dubious physics of seasonal egg-balancing," says Dehne, who frequently lectures his classes on widely believed examples of junk science.

True eggheads know the Earth's alignment on its axis causes many miraculous phenomena. The changing of the season's is one; an upright egg is not. "You can balance an egg on its end any time of the year if you have the patience," adds Kehne.

Planting by the moon garden guideThe article went on to explain that the flawed theory most commonly used to explain the egg-equinox connection is that the Earth and sun have aligned "gravitationally." And somehow the sun's and Earth's gravitational pulls are in a delicate balance that makes eggs more stable.

For some reason, the spring equinox inspires more egg-balancing frenzy that the autumn equinox. Perhaps it's because spring is associated with newness and rebirth, which is represented by many symbols, particularly the egg.