Friday, October 15, 2010

7 Quick Takes (Volume 103)

1) Should we be worried that this is post #666 in the history of this blog? It may be best to turn around right now folks. At least it didn't fall on Halloween.

2) Last weekend our family experienced a surreal event.

All the people who live here were home. At the same time. On a Saturday night.

It happens with the same frequency as a total solar eclipse. I suppose we should have commemorated the event with some special activity, but we spent it laying around the living room, watching episodes of The Office on Netflix and snoozing. Yeah, we're a lively bunch, but MAN did it feel good.

3) Drummer Boy is in our town every Monday night for drum line rehearsal. Sometimes he doesn't have time to eat before he leaves class to trek down to the high school and gives lessons before and after rehearsal. Often I send food with his sister because she's just getting off work and hasn't had time to eat either, but last Monday she ate at home, so I texted him to see what he wanted.

Me: Do you want me to send food with Drama Queen?

Drummer Boy: Only if it'll make you feel better.

Smart aleck kid. And yes, I did send food with a sticky note attached saying, "It DOES make me feel better. Love you, Mom."

4) It's been my pleasure to hang out with a bunch of artsy people for the last two Tuesday evenings. When I found out one of my favorite writers was hosting a writing workshop, I cleared my schedule, ditched my husband (literally--I'm supposed to be at orchestra rehearsal he conducts on Tuesdays) and signed my excited little self up. Tosca Lee is a lovely woman and beautiful writer. Her book Havah is one of my all time favorites. If you visit Christian writer types of sites, you'll see her mug among the best. And she lives in Lincoln, Nebraska!

If you haven't read her books Demon and Havah. Do it. Now. You won't be disappointed. Look for a chance to win a free copy of Havah on this blog next week!

I'm hoping some of her skill will rub off or somehow morph into my brain. The first week of class I felt encouraged thinking maybe I knew what I was doing, but last week I walked out feeling like a schmuck. The creative people at my table showed me I have so much to learn. Writing doesn't come easy to me. It's work. Hard work. Sigh.

5) Ladies Man is nearly fifteen. I suppose this explains his split personalities. Either he's a sleeping sloth or hyperactive, melodramatic goofball of wordy comebacks. The other night as we sat down to eat dinner I politely asked him to chill out (Yeah, I'm sure I was polite).

Ladies Man: You don't like me? Fine. I'll sit over here.

He proceeded to drag his chair ten feet away, sitting with his back to us.

Drama Queen: Oh brother.

Kevin (just joining us): What are you doing over there?

Ladies Man: Nobody likes me.

Kevin (rolling his eyes): Just get over here.

Eating commenced with Ladies Man joining us, eating at a rapid pace.

Me: Uh, you might want to slow down a little.

Ladies Man: Is that a fat joke? See everybody hates me.

Drama Queen: Don't be stupid.

Ladies Man: Thanks for taking my self-esteem points to -50.

Shall we all groan together?!

6) Congratulations again to Drama Queen who found out Wednesday she is in the top 5 for Homecoming Queen. Her response?

"Now I have to find something to wear."

7) We've got a busy, busy weekend planned. Friday night we were supposed to go to a wedding, but changed plans when Drama Queen landed in the finals for Homecoming Queen. Saturday morning is a dress rehearsal for a concert on Sunday. Saturday afternoon we head to Minden for a marching band competition. Sunday is full, full, FULL. Among our regularly scheduled activities and rehearsals, we're cramming in a community chorus and orchestra concert. We'll be on the go from 8 to 8. Who says musicians have a cushy life?

I hope your weekend is full of all kinds of FUN. If you have a chance, wander over to Conversion Diary and read more Quick Takes. Enjoy!


Marsha Young said...

I am enjoying your candid take on living for God while living among family - now THAT has got to be one of the toughest challenges there is.

Hope your writing seminar was productive and instructive. You have a real talent. God bless you. ...Marsha Y.

Kathleen@so much to say, so little time said...

The writing seminar sounds awesome. As does orchestra, drum line, and the works. Someday we'll grow up to be you guys. :)