Thursday, October 14, 2010

A Lesson from My Daughter

Miss Innocent One entered middle school with one objective.

Meet new people.

In our town, six elementary schools empty into one middle school so the odds of sparking relationships grows exponentially. She's grown up with older siblings telling her most of their friends are kids they did NOT go to elementary school with so she started her new school with high hopes of adding to the great friends she already has.

She connected with one girl the first week of school. We heard about Curly-headed Cutie every day. She came over to to hang out with us. She invited Miss Innocent One to her birthday party. Miss Innocent One fell in love with her sisters and family. All was right with the world and her newfound friendship until last week.

When she walked in the door Friday after school, Miss Innocent One threw her back pack on the kitchen floor hard enough for it to thud. I didn't get my customary smiling "Hey Mom." She slumped onto the bench.

"Curly-headed Cutie is moving to Maine," she said through tears.

"Maine?" I asked, "When?"

"On Tuesday. Today was her last day at school."

I tried to remind her what was true.

"I'm sorry, honey. That stinks. But you have other friends."

"She's my only new friend."

"You've only been in middle school a couple of months. It takes time to form friendships. You'll get there," I offered.

She wasn't convinced. We decided to take something over to Curly-headed Cutie, make sure she had our address and say good bye.

Monday after school she lamented about missing her friend. "I need to find someone to talk to in periods 3, 4 and 5."

Tuesday after school Miss Innocent One came home a different kid.

"I met two new girls today!"


"This other girl I know introduced me. They were nice. I really liked the one girl. She told me about her horses."

"See? It'll work out."

Wednesday after school she was all smiles.

"Remember Horse Girl I told you I met yesterday? We were talking today and she said her mom said she could have a friend over on Friday or Saturday. And I said, 'oh that's good.' And then she was all awkward for a minute and then she said, 'I was thinking maybe it could be you.'"

"Hey, that's great, honey."

"Yeah. I prayed about it last night and asked God to let me know if she would be a good friend for me, then today she asked me to come over!"

I must admit my shock in hearing she had the foresight to ask God for such a thing, yet my spirit rejoiced, both at her wisdom and God's grace. How sweet of Him to answer her prayer so quickly. How wonderful He made Himself real to her.

Tomorrow Miss Innocent One is going home with Horse Girl. She couldn't be happier and I am an amazed and thankful mother, in awe of the personal way God woos my daughter, letting her know He hears and cares.

He reminds me this is how He cares for all of us. He is concerned about our lives. We don't have to figure everything out. Life does not have to be so complicated. All we need to do is ask.

Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.

Matthew 7:7-8

1 comment:

Miriam Pauline said...

How sweet that she thinks to pray for friendships in middle school! I certainly wasn't that aware at that age. Well done Mom!

(do you think she could pray for me a in-flesh friend in my new hometown? *sigh*)