Tuesday, October 26, 2010

When God Doesn't Make Sense

“I know a lot less about God, but the things I know about God, I know a whole lot more, for sure.”

Steven Curtis Chapman on Larry King Live
after the death of his 5-year old daughter, Maria
The Chapmans experienced tragedy of major proportions. To lose your daughter in an accident at your home, your son at the wheel of the vehicle that killed her, is horrific. I can't imagine the painful memories that will haunt them forever.

In my own crises situations (which pale dramatically in comparison), my first question is often "Why?" As I've gotten older I realize God doesn't explain. He just says, "Trust Me." That's hard to do as you watch your dad die a miserable death too young. It's hard to trust He's got the situation handled when He says no to your lifetime prayer to restore your parents' marriage.

It's hard to trust God when He doesn't make sense.

Why did He let my social grandmother lose her speech in a stroke and live for years without the ability to communicate? Why did He bring me close relationships only to tear us apart? Why did my energetic, hard-working father-in-law have to fall and lose mobility when God knew it would frustrate him more than others? Why did my mother have to endure an abusive childhood? Why God didn't jump in and rescue? How does a compassionate God let events change lives and cause pain?

In my experience, not making sense is how God operates. Of course I can't understand. I have human eyes.

The hard times I've lived through rarely yield huge revelations about God's plan. God doesn't explain. He doesn't have to. He's GOD. But one thing I learned a whole lot more of was God's sovereignty. God is GOD--immense, omnipotent, omnipresent, beyond my comprehension. I can't possibly touch the tip of all there is to know about Him. The more I understand God, the more I'm forced to trust Him. He doesn't always make sense, but He promises to make good of everything. If I say I trust Him, I need to do it through the good and the bad.

Do we really trust Him like we say we do? Will we follow Him even when we don't get what He's doing? How serious are we about our relationship with God? Do we only want Him to grant our wishes or are we willing to carry a cross too?

When God doesn't make sense, He's strengthening our faith.

If life seems hard right now take heart my friend. If God's not making sense, trust He's building your faith. Believe in His deity, His power, His wisdom. KNOW He is making good out of it. Trust Him and take the next step.

"But my righteous one will live by faith. And if he shrinks back, I will not be pleased with him."
But we are not of those who shrink back and are destroyed, but of those who believe and are saved.

Hebrews 10:38-39

Don't shrink. Live by faith. Know a whole lot more of His sovereignty.

Join our host Jennifer at Scraps & Snippets to link up with the In Other Words gang or read their impressions.


Karen said...

I like your statement about how God doesn't explain things, He just expects us to trust Him. Boy if that isn't the truth. All the "why me's" in the world will never replace simply trusting in God.

Marsha Young said...

Thank you for your candor!
It is true -God does not owe us an explanation. In fact, He said to Job, "Where were you when I laid the earth's foundation?" Ouch!

My mother, too, sufferend a stoke and could not use her right arm or leg for the last 17 years of her life. She had been a church pianist for 30 years, and it grieved me so, to watch her so helpless. But God is sovereign, and that is enough for now. Thank you for the reminder that He deserves our trust. Marsha Y.

Jennifer said...

"The more I understand God, the more I'm forced to trust Him." So very true! Thanks for sharing today...your post really blessed me.

Miriam Pauline said...

You are so right--what I have learned about God's sovreignty I've learned in those things that just don't make sense. And the more I learn of his sovreignty, the easier it becomes to trust. I still don't understand, but I can trust. Beautiful post!

Loni said...

Thank you so much for sharing. Ahhh God's sovereignty and our faith . . . Through our stumbling we learn a lot. I appreciate your sharing about your family.