1) Happy Birthday to Ladies Man who turns 15 today! Consider this your last year of safety. This kid is chomping at the bit big time thinking of the independence of driving. While you're treasuring every last minute of peaceful transportation, say a prayer for his parents who will

Ladies Man put a crimp in our schedule when he arrived three days early, ON A SUNDAY, my husband's biggest work day. For some insane reason Kevin scheduled a concert that evening too (I'll never understand why he did this. ALL of our kids came early and Ladies Man is child #3!). Thanks for the out, bub.
You've been a challenge, Ladies Man, but oh so rewarding too. Watching you come out of your shell in the last few years has been pure joy. You're turning into an awesome person. We're proud of you. Happy Birthday!
2) I'm also proud of Miss Innocent One who decided to run for student council, after being asked by countless kids to be their assistant. She didn't win, but I was stinkin' proud of the way she pulled her "campaign" together at the last minute, making posters and writing a speech. It takes guts to stand up in front of a hundred kids and tell them why you'd be a good representative for them. Her speech went something like this:
I wish I could promise you pizza every day, no homework, and no more running the mile in P.E., but I can't. What I can promise you is someone to listen to your concerns. You can count on me to take your problems to the principals or counselors and see what can be done.
Well said, Miss Innocent One. Good job.
3) More adventures in delightful dinner conversation:
Kevin: Who took my razor this morning? I really don't like walking down the hallway naked to get it out of your bathroom.
Miss Innocent One: Ew.
Kevin: I don't go naked. I put my jeans on.
Me: Even if he did do it naked, it's really not that bad of a sight.
Miss Innocent One: EW! MOTHER! We're about to eat!
Ladies Man: I don't think that's appropriate.
Me: You don't like it that I think your dad is sexy?
Miss Innocent One: Stop. Ew.
We changed the subject to kids growing up and moving out of the house.
Ladies Man: I can't wait to have my own place. No offense to you guys.
Me: I'm not offended. It's healthy.
Ladies Man: What? When I was little I told you I'd live with you forever so you would be happy.
Kevin: Trust me. We'll be fine. I'm looking forward to having your mother all to myself.
Ladies Man: Why, cause you think Mom is sexy?
Kevin: Mmm hmm.
Miss Innocent One: Ew.
Is there something wrong with us that we enjoy torturing the poor kids this way?
4) Get a load of my mother! She turned 68 last Thursday (ooh, I wonder if I'll get in trouble for that), but doesn't let her age hold her back. This week she TEXTED me! THREE TIMES! Nice work Mom. The younger generation has nothing on you.

5) We saw Drama Queen perform in her high school's production of Grease this week. For someone who has never had the desire to shake a pom pom, she made a pretty perky cheerleader. She looked so CUTE. But don't tell her I said that or I WILL be in trouble.
6) Drummer Boy is making me feel old and it has nothing to do with the fact that I married his father when he was the same age Drummer Boy is now. He's started using this new word and I find myself thinking, "Kids these days," as if I'm about 97. In texts, e-mails, on Facebook he punctuates any statement with "Boom." For instance, this week I saw on his Facebook status: "Drums. Chicken. Boom." I think it means "take that" or "I got the final say on the matter" but the fact that I'm guessing at the meaning only confirms I'm getting old.
It's the same feeling I had in our college study when they were trying to explain what a "tool" was and then looked completely clueless when we brought up Carol Burnett. Sigh. Maybe I need to hang out with my hip mother more (uh oh, Drama Queen would say I just showed my age again by saying "hip"). Ugh.
7) It's the time of year that takes extra effort to stay connected to my husband. The countdown has begun for opening night of our church musical. Is there something wrong with me that I hang out at church painting sets and go to rehearsals just to see him? I can't help it. I like the guy.
For those of you in southeast Nebraska, mark your calendars now!

That's all for today folks. Enjoy your weekend and take in more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

#3 had me laughing out loud. Too funny!! Glad to see there's still spark there with you and your hubby. ;)
Have a great weekend, Tami.
I think you are groovy and hip. Boom.
You have a LOT going on! and a lot of it sounds like fun. Good for you. Have a good weekend.
...Marsha Y.
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