“Remember this. When people choose to withdraw far from a fire, the fire continues to give warmth, but they grow cold. When people choose to withdraw far from light, the light continues to be bright in itself but they are in darkness. This is also the case when people withdraw from God.”
Some people blatantly turn their back on God, thinking they know better. Some dare Him to prove them wrong. Some deny His existence all together.
But most of us don't CHOOSE to withdraw. We don't make a conscious decision to step out of the light. We're slowly pulled away by our own desires, our own ideas. The temptations offered from a clever devil woo us. We may not even sense our departure until we're cold, until the darkness surrounds us.
"Where are You, God?" we plead.
I'm where I've always been. Where are you?
When we hear His voice we realize we've done it again. I don't need to be told I wander from the fire. I know who I am. I feel the cold. I need to be told when I make the first step away.
Lord, show us when we start turning. Stop us as we lift our foot to walk away. Make us aware of our choices that pull us away from You.
Join Kathryn at Expectant Hearts for more on this quote.

It's so simple, isn't it? and scary how easily we get off track. I'm up so you can link up in the morning please!!!
Ah Tami, how easy it can be to slowly move away. I know that I need to be in the Word and prayer daily or I will begin to wander. Yes let us draw near to God each and every day.
blessings and love,
You know that is so true what you said about the fact that often we don't "Choose" to move away from God, it just happens. One day we wake up and realize just how far away from the light we've become. Sad isn't it. Satan does that to us by luring us away via temptation. Soon because we have our eyes on other things we fail to notice what is truly happening! Thanks for sharing today it was great.
An excellent point, that we "choose" to move away. How often have we said, "I wandered away", like it was something that happened without our knowledge or consent. But it is always a choice. Thanks for the reminder and word of caution. God bless you ...Marsha Y.
I am joining in a little late, but greatly encouraged as I read the thoughts on this quote. We both highlighted "choose" - and I am still thankful He always chooses us. :)
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