What wonders a bit of encouragement can do! It’s one of the most awesome treasures God has given us – the ability to inspire, motivate, and reassure others.
Barbara Johnson
An e-mail.
A "how are you?" accompanied by eye to eye contact looking for the real story.
A message left on my voicemail.
An arm that snuck around to hold me unexpectedly.
An honest observation making me feel known.
Consistent, unashamed "I love you"s.
A returned phone call.
A comment from an acquaintance uttered while walking by.
A rejection letter which said I want to see these again.
An attempt to start conversation from someone who's always struggled with it.
A smile which said I'm happy to see you.
These are some of the ways my spirit's been buoyed this week. None took great thought. None consumed much time. But all lifted. All communicated value. These simple actions remind me it doesn't take much. I can build others up with the smallest effort.
A hand on an arm.
Saying out loud what I'm thinking when I see how her scarf makes her sparkle.
Taking the time to ask.
A wave and a wink from across the room, letting them know they're noticed.
A comment on a Facebook status.
Going out of the way to say hello.
Looking the checker in the eye when taking the receipt.
Honest communication which relays trust.
It's so easy. Isn't it exciting to think how we can make each other stand taller by being genuine and courageous enough to put ourselves out there a little for the sake of another?
It makes a difference. Every action, no matter how small, matters. But it's not just a nice thing to do. It benefits their spiritual journey as well.
But encourage one another daily, as long as it is called “Today,” so that none of you may be hardened by sin’s deceitfulness.
Hebrews 3:13
Go ahead. Do it. Push yourself to say it. Motivate. Inspire. Reassure. Spur someone on in their faith.
What can you do today?
Join our host Deborah and Chocolate and Coffee for more interpretations on this quote.

It is so easy and means so much. Thanks for all the great examples. Hugs to you my friend.
Great reminders friend! Many blessings to you!
I love the list you gave and then ended with the fact that they don't take much thought. We don't need great words of wisdom or a sermon we can preach all we need is a little love, concern, and respect for others. A hug does wonders and so does everything else you listed. Thanks for sharing today!
I like the way you listed quick simple things. "But all lifted." I loved that. ,,,Marsha Y.
It really only requires I take my mind off myself (hoping others meet my needs) and start thinking about those around me.
Ahhh...the list then the words..."Every action, no matter how small, matters."
Thank you so much for sharing. How often those little things we do and say can go SO far. I appreciate your writing! :)
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