"How is your writing?" they ask.
They take me off guard and I'm not sure how to answer the question, so I shrug.
They look to my husband to explain, "Kevin says you've been doing some writing. What are you working on?"
I tell them, and my list seems insignificant, unimpressive, almost silly. I suddenly feel like a little girl who's just announced she's learned how to tie her shoes all by herself. Big deal.
I spend hours at my computer typing words, many of which are read only by me, and in this moment, when called to give account for how I spend my time, I ask myself the question others have surely wondered.
There are no financial rewards, little encouragement and lots of time stuck in my head, which frankly my friends would say I could do without. And yet there's this drive within me, a woman who is definitely NOT a type A person, that must be placed there by God. He nudges me along with kind comments from others, confirming what I already know. I need to do this.
And so, shoving down my desire to be somebody (and I mean SHOVING), I say to these sweet people who've asked, "I don't know where we're going with it. I just do it. God's teaching me to wait on Him."
I want to do great big things for God and He says, "Whoa, whoa, whoa. Simmer down there Tam. Wait on Me. I've got the plan. I'm working it out for MY glory, not yours."
And so I keep typing, trusting God to make it mean something. For that is all anyone can do, isn't it? Apart from Him, we can do nothing.
Apart from Him, we'll struggle to find significance.
How about you? Do you want to make your mark? Do you want your time on earth to be remembered? Have you had that yearning to do something no one else can? Are you looking for significance?
We think we can find it by marrying Prince Charming, but once we do, we realize we have to feed him and wash his underwear. We land our dream job and feel instant stress to perform well. We think once we have babies our purpose in this world will be complete, but end up wondering how to hang on to our sanity at 3:AM with a screaming baby for the third night in a row. We become teachers and lawyers and accountants and nurses and psychologists (fill in the blank with your aspiration), assuming a title will bring the value we long to feel, the respect we desire. Yet we find ourselves spinning our wheels trying to achieve that which will never come.
Because if it isn't enough being God's child, if Jesus' sacrifice isn't enough to give us our significance, to tell us how important we are, we'll never be satisfied with the other blessings He brings our way.
If we can't see our value to God, how will we ever find it in the temporal things of earth?
My attempts to be "successful" are really my way of proving my worth to others, and worse, proving myself to God. I don't have to BE anybody. YOU don't have to be anybody. Want to find significance? Dwell on the cross. If you can't find it there, you won't find it anywhere.

Photo Credit: NCMallory
Yes, waiting. And remembering that my significance is in Him, not my accomplishment (or lack of it). Good words my friend.
"Because if it isn't enough being God's child, if Jesus' sacrifice isn't enough to give us our significance, to tell us how important we are, we'll never be satisfied with the other blessings He brings our way."
That is so beautiful, Tami. I have always been one to search for significance elsewhere and it is a constant series of little choices to turn my eyes back on Him.
Thanks for this. It's great to be back "hanging out" with you again. :)
I enjoyed reading this! You do a nice job of putting into words what EVERYONE is thinking and struggling with. So, thanks!
Keep plugging away with writing--you've got a talent for it.
Also, I'm just throwing this out there for humor, and maybe because I think you'll get it....but, I had this thought the other day:
"If a stay-at-home mom has a meltdown in the forest, and no one is around to see it, did it really happen?" :)
When you talk about significance, that's what came to my mind! It seems I matter so much to this little creature who depends on me for everything, but yet I've basically unplugged from everything I've known as my former life....all of that outside reinforcement is dialed WAY back. So, often it feels like no one is around to witness that "tree in the forest" experience! :)
Ah well, great post. God sees all of our "tree in forest" moments, so that helps! Keep writing!
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