Thursday, December 09, 2010

No Such Thing as A Blessed Few

You are blessed.

I'm not sure why, but I've heard this phrase often in the last week. The words have been directed to me audibly, in e-mails, in comments left here and on Facebook. While I appreciate the kind words, I don't get it really. Oh, I understand God's blessings in my life and thank Him all the time, yet I know there's nothing special about me. When someone says, "You are blessed," it makes me wonder if they think I have some unusual touch from God they don't, which can't be. If any of us is a child of God, we are blessed, aren't we? There are no degrees of blessing, no job more important than another.

When someone says, "You are blessed," I want to respond, "And so are you. You aren't missing it, are you?"

I'm as guilty as the next person. I long for a divine anointing no one can miss. I envy the accomplishments, the gifts, the opportunities of others. I've written ad nauseam about my desire to be somebody, to have an impressive title, or earn my own money, yet that is not God's call on my life. I will know His pleasure, His blessing, when I do what is before me, accepting and following His lead for me.

I do feel blessed, not because I'm all that (My teenagers are hollering "Amen sister!" to that!), but because I understand my call. I know what God wants me to do and I do it. There's no special talent involved, only a seeking, willing heart.

You are blessed.

You are. Your blessings will be as unique to you as the timbre of your voice, the curve of your jawbone or the way you like your tea. If you can't see it, ask God to show you. He will open your eyes.

You are blessed.

You are. You aren't missing it, are you?


Miriam Pauline said...

I believe that we are more blessed when we recognize it (if that makes sense). We are all blessed, but it is easy to go through our days and miss it. I like to speak the blessings, remind people they are blessed (and often in turn remind myself as well) because I don't want to miss what God is doing. For me, it is not degrees of blessing but degrees of awareness.

Christine said...

I am not missing it, I promise! I think for me, when I say "You are blessed" to someone (I could have been one of those that said that to you??), it's like a reminder from one of Jesus' followers to another- a reminder to embrace the blessedness we all receive. It's a way of saying that I see Jesus in that person and their life, hoping they notice it too, and I am, in turn, blessed by them. Henri Nouwen, in Life of the Beloved, speaks of that kind of connection between believers, we who are all, individually and collectively, the Beloved of the King.

Tami said...

Wonderful insights ladies. Thanks!