Tuesday, December 14, 2010

When Easy is Not Best for My Kids

Some days it's tough being a mom.

I want to solve all my kids' problems, but I can't. Sometimes all I can do is help them endure. I want to be their advocate, their cheerleader, their drill sergeant, but knowing when to be which is an art form. I know God has plans for everyone and often His plans include pruning and humbling and taxing lessons which in the long run produce great things, but when it's my kid, it's hard to watch. When they're going through rough patches, I'd rather He make their lives easier.

And yet I know God doesn't work that way. As the Bible says, He disciplines those He loves. I should rejoice when their roads are rocky, knowing He is at work. I want God's will to be done in their lives, yet when it involves pain, I wither. I beg God to lighten their load, to bring relief. I want to see them happy and healthy, void of anything hard.

“I am learning that praying for God’s will is harder than it seems. When God’s will is asked for in hopes of it agreeing with a personal desire, it is not asking for God’s will at all. It takes complete surrender and self sacrifice.”

by Jayson VS ~ Loni’s son @ Writing Canvas

Sometimes praying for God's will to be done in my kids' lives brings difficulty for them. As hard as that is to witness, it is necessary. I need to trust He will see them through the same way He sees me through.

I need to surrender my kids to Him.

This seems like a lot to ask of a parent until I remember He did the same for me. He surrendered His Son to suffer a much more harrowing experience for the sake of me AND my kids. He doesn't ask any more of me than He's willing to give Himself.

So I boldly pray for God's will to be done in the lives of my kids, but I also ask for the grace to withstand it. I pray He makes us hearty and strong. I pray for a spirit of perseverance. I pray He uses tough times to build our faith. I give up my own desires for easy parenting to do what is best for them.

Lord, make us faithful.

To read more impressions of this quote, visit Loni at Writing Canvas.


http://sunflowerfaith.com/2010/12/14/praying-for-gods-will-an-in-other-words-moment/ said...

Wonderful insight and yes..it's hard to give them over to our Father; Lol..but it's part of being a parent and the hardest part too but through our love, it's a great test and part of learning to have trust in Him....just wish it was just a little bit easier..LOL

Marsha Young said...

Tami -
"..the grace to withstand it..." - yes, that is hardest part in watching God work in our children's lives. My oldest son is applying for a seat on a plannng commission and his interview is tonight.

I have prayed only that they will treat him with respect, which he sometimes does not get as a double-amputee and parapalegic. Whether he gets the seat or not, I so want this not to be a painful experience for him. He has had enough of those.

My heart immediately related to your phrase.."the grace to withstand it." ...Marsha Young at

Anonymous said...

Yes, we sure do need that grace don't week! Sure wish we could bubblewrap our kids and guide so they'd not make the same mistakes we have - or the obvious to US what they are heading towards.

Thanks for sharing!

Cindy said...

The grace to watch it. Perfect. I pray consistently that my children know God, that they know His will and that they get caught if guilty then taught not accosted. And it's a challenge some days.
Thank you for sharing.

Monkey-Farmer-38 said...

Parenting seems like such a hard and overwhelming job. I sometimes wonder if God really knew what He was doing when He gave me all of this responsibility.