1) News flash: According to my sudoku success rate, I am pretty stupid this week. Proceed with caution.
2) It's been a good week for Ladies Man. Last Friday he participated in District Music Contest and had a super day. He received a superior rating for his vocal solo (see his dad accompanying him?),
his trombone solo,
and his trombone trio.
He also played in the Jazz Band and Wind Ensemble and sang in Concert Choir and the Limited Edition show choir, earning an excellent rating and three superior ratings. Way to go, bud!
Then on Wednesday he was given an award for designing the winning t-shirt logo for our local Homestead Days celebration.
Here's the winning design.

3) I had a very good, but busy day on Sunday and had a hard time winding down. My first mistake was taking a glance in the mirror.
Me: Ugh! I'm looking like an old hag. I've got SO MANY wrinkles under my eyes. I look awful!
Kevin: What are you talking about?
Me: When I smile, TONS of wrinkles appear under my eyes! Is it just 'cause I'm tired or do they always look like that?
Kevin (already feeling the pressure and knowing no answer will satisfy): I don't know what you're talking about.
Drama Queen: Whatsa matter, Mom?
Me: I look terrible.
Drama Queen: No, you don't.
I decided to let it go and slumped in a big chair with Princess Dawdle to do the sudoku I didn't finish the day before. Without success.
Me (sighing): I'm stupid again today. What is my problem?
Punting on that activity, I turned my attention to the t.v. where my family was watching The Apprentice.
Me: That's a dumb idea. Why are they doing that? Nobody's gonna think that's good.
No one said anything and I quickly lost interest, scanning my living room instead.
Me: Look at this place. It's a mess. I can't even keep a room clean.
Drama Queen: Mom, do you need to go to bed?
Me: What? Why?
Drama Queen: You're complaining about everything. I think you're tired.
Of course she was right, and I took a little comfort thinking my daughter understood whining wasn't my normal mode of operation.
4) Providing the very good in my Sunday was meeting a blogging friend from California. We sat at a coffeehouse in Omaha and shared easy conversation for a few hours. She was as lovely and intriguing in person as she is online and our time went by way too fast. Thanks for a great afternoon, Denise. It was a pleasure meeting you. I hope we get to do it again some time.
5) We had a cool surprise the other day when Kevin received a package in the mail from Lorenz Publishing Company. Inside was a Korean songbook and CD which contained his arrangement of "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus."
6) Apparently I'm the kind of person whose mind is easily influenced by what goes in it. For the last few weeks I've been doing Insanity videos with Drama Queen on Mondays and Fridays and now I'm using the word "dig" all the time (as in "Dig deep, people, dig deep!"). I'm finding many things "impoedunt" (Trainer Shaun T's trademark way of saying "important.") On the plus side, however, I've been reminding myself "You've got to drink your water. It's impoedunt" and I can grunt with the best of them when struggling to pull out one more push-up.
Now, if only I looked like the people in the video . . . sigh.
7) I established a private Facebook group for our family called The Boesiger Bunch. I started it as a way for us to maintain some sense of family as the kids move out. I've posted silly old photos or a verse that struck me or a video I find funny. For a while I was very frustrated that I was the only one doing it, but finally my family is getting the hang of it. Princess Dawdle posted this video saying, "This is what Ladies Man's kids are going to have in the backyard."
Ladies Man added this pic yesterday which is totally him.

Drama Queen posted an hilarious video reminding me of some of our dinner escapades.
Kevin put on an instructional poster on how to do an Eldredge Tie Knot, which Drummer Boy liked enough to try out for Drumline Championships. Kevin also added a recipe last week nudging, "Something for Mom to make for all of us!" (And yes I did, 'cause I love him.)
But my favorite was this posting by Drama Queen with the caption, "I don't think we've ever tried to play it off like that :P"

True. We haven't even pretended.
That's all for this Friday folks. Enjoy your weekend and catch more Quick Takes at Conversion Diary.

Your family vignettes are so awesome this week! Congrats on all the district success! The only thing I don't "like" is the middle tired crankiness. Hope you're feeling better soon!
As for that Lego Jesus & Peter--my son received a "Brick Bible" for his First Communion this past weekend. Go look it up. :) I have mixed feelings, I must admit. LOL
I DID look it up. What does your son think of it?
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