~ Beth Moore, LPM Blog ~
As a young wife and mother, I was under the delusion that men desire a Martha Stewart type existence. Creating a sanctuary at home for my husband was a duty I didn't always live up to. So one day I decided to work a little harder and killed myself making the house spotless, no easy task with little ones undoing everything I was attempting. I made his favorite meal and even saved the vacuuming for ten minutes before he got home to give the house that just cleaned feeling. I got a little excited anticipating his surprise. But when he walked in the door, he said nothing. NOTHING. He went through his normal routine, oblivious to all my hard work. I was puzzled at first, and then down right hurt.
As I laid awake that night, wondering what it was all about, it occurred to me he didn't say anything when toys were strewn about the living room or I asked him to bring home dinner or clean socks were hard to come by either. He has never looked around the house and said, "What have you done all day?" Home is not about how clean the tiolet is or if I've ironed his shirt or we have his favorite cereal. Home is about me and our family.
I tell you all that to illustrate how every flaw has an accompanying strength. While my husband may not always be very observant, he also does not put expectations on me. I know he loves ME, not what I do. The same patterns exist in my children, my family, my friends, myself. Every bad quality is balanced by something good. My child who saves everything to the last minute also goes with the flow, not getting too stressed about anything, never making demands on me. My daughter who can be a little bossy is self-motivated, not needing to be reminded of what she has to accomplish. My son who hates homework is nagged by his conscientiousness until he gets it done. My chatterbox lets me in on every aspect of her life. My tendency to overanalyze sometimes produces a good thought!
Is this how God uses our flaws, compensating for them by giving us an admirable strength? Have I been concentrating so hard on my weaknesses I have missed the good He's planted in me? Have I overlooked the life line He's been throwing? Have you? Can you see the flip side of your defects?
It's pure genius, Lord, tempering our imperfections with gifts! What brilliant design coupling our deficiencies to keep us humble with our abilities which enable us to press on. What beauty. And mercy. Thank You.
Go forth today, my friends, merciful enough to overlook the flaw, intent on finding the strength, both in others and yourself. Surely the beauty of the Lord is all around us.
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Oh my goodness I went throught the same thing as a newly married wife!!! Even with my weight. It took my husband telling me, "don't you know I love you for who you are right now, not what you do." Ok God smacked me in the head =))
I love your take on this week's quote. Blessigns.
I enjoyed your example that went with this quote. It is great how God does give us strengths to balance our weakness - just think how frustrated with ourselves we would be if it didn't work out that way.
Thanks for sharing
Thank you very much for your thoughts and post. I enjoyed it. I know we all go through times of trying to keep the house etc perfect thanks for the great reminder we are loved for ourselves and not what we do.May the Lord Bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel ( Angel Mama Pearl of Wisdom)
Tami, this is a BRILLIANT post! You are so right. I absolutely love this positive look at our "flaws" which shows that God knows what He's doing. Seeing the positive aspect of the "flaw" is so important... we might even realize that what we THOUGHT were flaws are really blessings in disguise!
And... LOL... I can relate to the cleaning frenzy and the oblivious husband. Sometimes I STILL fall into that trap. But at least I laugh about it now. If he's oblivious when it's clean, he's oblivious when it's a mess, too, and that's a BLESSING not a flaw.
Really good perspective here, Tami. I still struggle with this. what a good way to view our perceived shortcomings.
I loved this post, bless you.
Oh Tami this is so perfect and so needed! I need to spend some time looking for and praising the strengths of the little girls in my life rather than worry about overcoming the flaws. I thank you (and I'm sure they would too if they knew!). Blessings on your day.
Like you, I tried hard to live up to the Martha Stewart experience in the early days of my marriage. I finally came to the same conclusion--my husband doesn't "see" things the way I do. He's an auditory guy, so having soft music playing, and a cheerful tone of voice, fixing drippy faucets and so on, have a far greater effect on him than a spotless house.
Now I'm thrilled to be married to a man who approaches life far differently than I do. I've learned to "go with the flow" more, worry less, and just enjoy the moment. I can't imagine how life would be to be married to another "daytimer gal" like me--the consummate planner.
We're all variously gifted to serve the body of Christ, and our strengths--out of balance--can become weaknesses.
Thanks for your thoughts. Have a blessed day! Hugs, e-Mom
I Love this post! Our flaws, and their accompanying strengths, make us who we are and God uses every aspect of our lives to grow us and teach us.
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