Before the weekend was over, I had visited three graveyards. Looking across the rows and rows of what used to be vibrant human beings made me a little sad. All I could think was, Look at all the loss. All these people meant something to someone and now they are just gone. Gone. And how long will they be remembered? A few generations and they will forgotten, as if they had never been here.
It doesn't seem right, you know? And then came this week's quote:
~ Max Lucado ~
Aah, so that's what I'm really upset about. I'm missing Paradise. Is my melancholy mood actually me wishing for heaven? And am I homesick because I want to avoid the pain? Am I a big fat weenie? I guess so. But I don't think I'm alone. If I was, there wouldn't be so many references to pressing on and persevering in the Bible. As if He was anticipating this response from His people, Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world."
Take heart. He has overcome.
Better things are ahead. A better PLACE is ahead.
The hope, the ability to keep charging on comes from this knowledge:
He has overcome.
You need to persevere so that when you have done the will of God, you will receive what he has promised. For in just a very little while, "He who is coming will come and will not delay." Hebrews 10:36-37
Amen and thank You, Lord!
Join our host Iris for more interpretations of this quote.
Bless you for a beautiful post.
Good post. I love the variety or perspectives I'm finding on the blogs. The grave are just reminders that our time here is very short--just a blip on the timeline of eternity.
I recently moved my blog and lost a lot of comments. Hope you get a chance to browse and comment on a few entries (if you have time) I'd appreciate it.
What a beautiful post ! Thanks for sharing. May the Lord Bless you this week and always.
In his endless love,
Angel (Angel Mama )
Great post Tami! I'm so thankful that He who is coming does not delay--His timing is perfect. (And now I'm singing MercyMe's 'Never Been This Homesick'--thanks!). Blessings on your day.
Amen, "better things ahead, a better place ahead" and He's waiting for us along with our loved ones who have gone on ahead of us. Thanks for sharing.
I am homesick with you. Thank you for sharing this. It blessed me.
Blessings ~ Loni
Love it, love it. You are a wise old soul my friend. Wish I had some of your wisdom. Thanks for sharing some of it.
Last September, my Dad was buried at Ft. Snelling National Cemetery. I felt the same thing when I saw the rows of headstone. I was reminded again when I went in December to lay a grave blanket at the site. There were wreaths and Christmas decorations in the newer section, but as we drove out, the older section showed very few signs of any tribute.
It is a three hour drive from my Dad's gravesite to my home... on the way home, I thought, "Heaven holds a little more promise and I long for it a little more just because my Dad is there..."
I testify that you are not alone being homesick for heaven. Some days I am more than others :)
Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on this week's IOW quote.
Be blessed today and always.
Great tie-back to the quote a few weeks ago about perseverance! :-)
Amen friend... Amen.
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