Wednesday, August 22, 2007

There's No Place Like Home

Ten minutes into the parents' meeting, I started getting a headache. They were throwing out more dates than I cared to think about, passing around sign up sheets, discussing competitions and parties and future plans and my stomach churned. "Here we go again," I thought, realizing the rat race had officially begun and this was only one of many activities our family is involved in. In that very night, four of us were pulled in three different directions and I knew the juggling act was only beginning. OY! Though I didn't feel quite ready to jump on the merry-go-round, I put my name on a few sheets. It's the right thing to do whether I feel like it or not. Then I left in a surly mood.

Pulling out of the parking lot, I clicked off the radio so I could sulk in peace. The sun was setting and the western sky was bathed in purple (and you know how I LOVE purple). It felt like God saying, "Breathe, Tam, breathe. One day at a time." For a brief moment I was still, but it didn't last nearly long enough.

I got home and needed to do some laundry, get a few kids ready for bed and clean up the kitchen I hadn't quite finished before running off to the meeting. I felt a little punchy when I finally sat down next to my husband.

"How was the meeting?" he asked.

I rolled my eyes, sighed and said, "All I want to do is make out with my husband and forget about everything."

But suddenly it occurred to me God was right there again. He provided this home, this reprieve from the world, not necessarily escape from the busyness and craziness, as it gets pretty crazy at our house some days, but relief from expectations and being anything other than me. And I get to live here. Everyday. I know every morning I can sit quietly in God's presence and be refreshed for the day. I know He will give me the shot in the arm I need to get through the busiest weeks. No matter how hectic the days become, I know at the end of each one I can crash on the couch next to a really good guy and be who I am, happy or grouchy, tired or talkative. God has given me a sanctuary in my home and THAT is reason to breathe deeply and relax. Aaaahhhhh. . .

Photo Credit: Timmy =D


Dianne said...

Good stuff, Tami. The sanctuary of home - a place where we can be ourselves. Makes all the difference, doesn't it? something I probably take for granted.

Rachelle said...

Tami, your post are always like balm to my *weary* soul. I hardly take time for blog-reading anymore but I always read yours because it seems to give me back much more than the time it takes to read it. Have a wonderful Sunday!