Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Following His Lead

It's gonna happen.

Things will not go as planned. We'll be disappointed. We'll wonder where God is and what He is thinking. We'll cry and hurt and scream and pound our fists. We'll ask God to take it away or heal it. We'll feel let down and forgotten and alone.

This is life in a fallen world.

We'd like life to be easy. I mean, c'mon, our God is the Master and Creator of the Universe. Shouldn't being His children give us some perks? Our Father is the Supreme Being, the all-knowing, all-powerful, completely in control God. He could spare us heartbreak and disappointment if He wanted to, right?

Except He didn't even do it for His own Son.

"They gave our Master a crown of thorns. Why do we hope for a crown of roses?"
~ Martin Luther ~

Jesus said, "In this world you will have trouble," and He wasn't kidding. Every day, good, God-fearing people experience pain and tragedy, trauma and trial. None of us are immune. If we are true followers of Christ, we can expect it, maybe more so since Satan will do anything possible to destroy our confidence in our Lord.

But before you slip into depression and despondency, don't forget this is not all there is. Remember Jesus finished His statement by adding, "But take heart! I have overcome the world." This life is temporary. A world exists beyond where our eyes can see. We'll get our crown eventually, but when we do we'll be so overwhelmed with gratefulness to God for all He is that we'll be compelled to give it back, humbly laying it at His feet.

Let's stop asking God, "Why me, Lord? What did I do wrong?" when hard times hit. He always answers the same way.

"Why NOT you?"

If Jesus wasn't spared, why should we be? We don't have to understand why. We don't have to have any answers. He is God. Period. Our job is to press on, knowing it will be worth it all when we see Jesus. Make it so, Lord, make it so.

Check out Sting My Heart for more In "Other" Words.


Denise said...

Let me add a great big amen to your wonderful post dear one.

Aunt Angie said...

Tami---that was a great post! I remembered a song I learned when my girls were little "In this world we will have trouble but take heart! I have overcome the world!" taken from those verses. I can't remember from which children's bible tapes, but it stuck!
Great job on this post! I am printing it out to send to someone that needs a little "boost" to her heart!
Bless you girl!

Miriam Pauline said...

Tami, once again you bless me. Thank you! Great post.

(and on another note, I'll be praying for your Mary Heart study. How cool that we are studying the same thing!)

Denise said...

Thank you Tami! It's a reality that I am guilty of overlooking sometimes as I get caught up in life. Thanks for reminding me what my place is in this world!! Bless you. Denise R.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great post.If only we could see things from God's perspective. Or, at the very least, trust Him completely. Then maybe we would not get so depressed about circumstances. Thanks for the reminder.

Dianne said...

What a good reminder. I think we do expect everything to be good and easy but that's not what Christ promised. He did promise to be with us though.

Great thought-provoking post!!

eph2810 said...

Oh, Tami that is so true. Our Lord told us that there were trials and hurts this side of heaven. We just have to trust that everything is for a reason...He knows best and He knows our complete path.

Thank you so much for sharing your thoughts on last week's IOW quote (sorry I am so late)...

Blessings to you and yours.